
1、上課時間 5月11日 上課節(jié)次 3、4 課 型 Lecture 課 題 Unit 7 Crime Doesn’t Pay---Lesson 1 Safe to Walk the Streets? 教學(xué)目的 Understand opinions on different types of crimes 教學(xué)方法 Discussion and practice 重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn) Understanding a text about crime in different cities 教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 Part I Speaking and Vocabulary-
2、--Crimes 1、Pair work. Ask students to read the questions and discuss them. Get feedback from the whole class. Discuss these questions with your partner. (1) Is it safe to walk the streets alone in your town/city at any time of the day or night? Why?/Why not? (2) Which areas
3、 are particularly dangerous? 2、Focus students’attention on the pictures and ask them to match them to the common crimes. Check the answers with the whole class. Drill the vocabulary for pronunciation practice. 3、Group discussion. Ask students to think of a time when they , or someone they kn
4、ow, was a victim of one of the first three crimes. Put students into pairs to tell each other their stories. Swap pairs so that they have an opportunity to tell each other the story twice. Part II Related information Bogota(波哥大) A city in central Colombia, is the country’s capital, on a mo
5、untain rimmed plateau high in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes Mountains. This gives it constant spring like weather. Bogota is an amazing city, very beautiful and very cultural, a mix of old antique architecture and modern architectural art. Detroit (底特律 ) It is the largest city in the U.S. s
6、tate of Michigan and the seat of Wayne County. Detroit is a major port city on the Detroit River, known as the world’s traditional automotive centre. “Detroit” is a metonym for the American automobile industry and an important source of popular music legacies celebrated by the city’s two familiar ni
7、cknames, the Motor City and Motown. Important things to know: ● crimes that involve stealing things: robbery, burglary, theft, shoplifting, fraud, carjacking ● crimes that involve attacking people : assault, mugging, murder, rape ● someone who commits crimes: crimin
8、al, thief, crook, burglar, mugger, robber, pickpocket, rapist, offender, lawbreaker Part III Lexical Preparation 1 snatch v. 搶劫 e.g. The six-year-old girl was snatched from a playground. She had her purse snatched (= stolen) while she was in town. 2 carjacking
9、 n. 劫車;暴力搶奪汽車或搶劫司機(jī) 3 fraud n. 欺騙 , 欺詐 e.g. He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud. We will introduce legal safeguards against fraud. 4 kidnap v. 綁架;誘拐 e.g. Police appealed for witnesses after a woman was kidnapped at gunpoin
10、t (槍口). In the same way she says she only pretended to kidnap the children. 5 mugging n. 攻擊,打劫 e.g. Crime is on the increase, especially mugging and burglary. Dudley was the victim of a violent mugging. Part IV Reading 1、Focus
11、students on the cities. Ask them to tick the cities they think are dangerous. Then, in pairs, they discuss their choices, giving their reasons. 2、Students read the text and check their predictions. 3、Ask students to read the text again and fill in the gaps with the names of the cities. Check answe
12、rs with the whole class. 4、Refer students to read the text again and ask them to find the words. 5、Ask students to go through the text and find all the crime words. They decide if the crimes are serious or petty, and why. Elicit the meaning of petty from student. Then ask them to compare ans
13、wers and give feedback to the whole class to see if the other students agree. 6、Practice. Translation Exercise. Part V Zoom In --- Collocations: rob and steal 1、 Ask students if they know the difference between rob and steal, and give examples if necessary. Eg. I was robbed last night.
14、 My bag was stolen. The five men robbed a bank and stole two million euros. Ask students to work alone matching the verbs to the collocations. Check answers with the whole class. 2、 Ask students to fill in the gaps and check in pairs. Monitor to see if they have any problems. 3、 Read through th
15、e structures and examples with students. Clarify doubts if there are any. ● have / get + obj + stolen: I had / got my wallet stolen. ● be / get + robbed / mugged: It’s easy to be / get mugged in the city centre at night. Part VI Homework
16、 1、 Ask students to read the prompts and turn them into questions. 2、 Pairwork. Students work together to practice the questions. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容 教學(xué)后記 上課時間 5月13日 上課節(jié)次 3、4 課 型 lecture 課 題 Lesson 2 Is it a Crime? 教學(xué)目的 Introducing ways of expressing obligation an
17、d permission; 教學(xué)方法 Discussion and Practice 重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn) Discussing crimes and suitable punishments; 教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 Part I Vocabulary & Listening --- Punishments 1、 Group work. Ask students if they know anything about Singapore. Ask students from 1 (not extreme) to 8 (very extreme), using dictionaries a
18、s needed. 2、Read the sentences about crime and punishment in Singapore. Do you think they are true or false? 3、Listen to the news interview about Singapore and check your answers. 4、Listen again and answer these questions. Why did the Singapore administration ban chewing gum? How are lit
19、terbugs humiliated? What was Michael Fay accused of? What other crimes are mentioned in the report? What do you think Jerry Perkins’ attitude to the laws in Singapore is? How do you know? 5、Pair work. Ask students about their opinion of the system of punishment in Singapore. Do they think
20、 the punishments are fair? Part II Language Focus Modal verbs and alternatives 情態(tài)動詞及其替換詞 1 “should” 可以表示 “應(yīng)該做”。be supposed to 也可表示此含義。 e.g. You should do what your parents tell you. You’re supposed to do what your parents tell you. 2 “can” 可以表示 “允許”。be allowed to 也可表示此含義。 e.g. Yo
21、u cannot use my bike tomorrow. You’re not allowed to use my bike tomorrow. Practice Get students to think about their class environment and use allowed to and supposed to make sentences. Eg. We’re not allowed to smoke. We’re not supposed to speak Spanish. Part III Vocabulary
22、 and Reading --- Crime and Punishment 1、 Discuss the meaning of these crimes with your partner. Then check in a dictionary. 2、 Students read the texts and match them to the appropriate crime. They check their answers, first in pairs, and then with the whole class. 3、 Students read the statement
23、s and decide whether they are true or false. 4、 Ask students to read the texts again and identify examples of passive constructions. Ask them to list the most commonly used verbs and explain why these verbs usually take the passive form. These verbs are usually used in the passive form because
24、 it is either obvious or not important who did the action. Part IV Homework --- Speaking 1、 Ask students to recall as many different types of punishment as they can without looking back at the previous pages in the text book. Ask them to compare answers with a partner. 2、 Refer students back t
25、o the Vocabulary and Reading section and ask them to write down what they consider to be an appropriate punishment for each crime. Give some reasons to support the ideas. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容 教學(xué)后記 上課時間 5月18日 上課節(jié)次 1、2 課 型 lecture 課 題 Lesson 3 Cyber Crime 教學(xué)目的 Understanding a tex
26、t on cyber bullying 教學(xué)方法 Discussion and Practice 重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn) Identifying verb patterns 教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 Part I Speaking & Vocabulary --- Identity theft 1、Group discussion. Focus students on the images and discuss the questions as a whole class. Identity theft: the co-option of another person’s p
27、ersonal information (e.g., name, Social Security number, credit card number, passport) without that person’s knowledge and the fraudulent use of such knowledge 2、Match the words (1–6) to their definitions (a–f). 3、Discuss with your partner how the words above relate to identity theft. Part II
28、 Listening 1、Listen to the first part of a radio programme,“Finance Today”. Answer these questions. How does the presenter define identity theft? How do criminals do it? How does it affect people? 2、Brainstorm possible ways of protecting personal information. Play the recording. Students
29、identify the suggestions. Discuss whether students follow the advice. What do you think some of these tips might be? Listen to the rest of the programme and check your ideas. Do you always follow these pieces of advice? 3、Listen to an interview with a victim of identity theft and a
30、nswer these questions. What happened to her? How was she affected? 4、Point out that students are required to identify the significance of the numbers in the question. Part III Language Focus (1) Reported speech: questions 間接引語: 問句 當(dāng)用自己的話轉(zhuǎn)述別人的話時,被轉(zhuǎn)述的部分被稱為間接引語。在轉(zhuǎn)述疑問句時,要進(jìn)行人稱、語序、 時態(tài)的適當(dāng)變換。 (
31、2) Verb patterns 動詞 + 賓語的句型變異 動詞是句子的核心部分,它與其后跟的不同的賓語結(jié)構(gòu)會構(gòu)成不同的句型。 Part IV Reading 1、 Look at the headline of the news article. What do you think “cyber bullying” is? 2、 Read the article and check your ideas. 3、 Answer the questions about the article What form did the cyber bullying t
32、ake? Did the teenagers confess to all the crimes? What could the consequence of their actions be for them? What advice does the police officer give to parents? What does the children’s charity blame for the increase in bullying? How did the networking site respond to the case? Part V Ho
33、mework Translation exercises in page 107 教學(xué)內(nèi)容 教學(xué)后記 上課時間 5月20日 上課節(jié)次 3、4 課 型 lecture 課 題 Lesson 4 Pirates 教學(xué)目的 Understanding young peoples’ opinions on pirating 教學(xué)方法 Discussion and Practice 重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn) Debating piracy issues; Identifying stars’ o
34、pinions on piracy 教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 Part I Speaking & Vocabulary --- Pirating 1、 Group work. Ask students to discuss the questions and feedback to the class with any interesting points. Do you ever ... 1) make illegal copies of CDs or DVDs? 2) download music from the Internet? 3) m
35、ake photocopies of books? 2、Pairwork. Students discuss arguments for and against piracy. This could lead into a class debate where students decide which side of the argument they agree with and then try to convince those with opposing views that their view is correct. Eg. List some of the bene
36、fits of pirating music, film. etc. Benefits ? access to the music of less famous bands ? encourages artists to work hard to produce CDs ? allows music lovers to find anything they want Part II Reading 1、 Ask students to discuss the questions in pairs and feedback to the class with their
37、ideas. 2、 Ask students to read the texts and decide to what degree the stars are pro- or anti-piracy. They check the answers, first in pairs, and then as a whole group. 3、 Ask students to identify which of the stars mentions each point and to what extent they agree or disagree with each one. Pa
38、rt III Listening 1、 Listen to six young people giving their opinion on music piracy. Who is in favour of or against music piracy? Ask students to write the numbers 1 to 6 in their notebooks. As they listen, they should put a tick if the speaker is pro-piracy, a cross if against piracy, and a circ
39、le if neither for or against. 2、 Ask students to read the reasons for the opinions and play the recording again. Students should write the number of the speaker for each one. Ask students to refer to the transcript in the reference guide to check their answers. Part IV Group work --- Speaking
40、Divide students into groups of four. They turn to page 195 and choose a role, A-D. They argue and defend their viewpoint. Part V Pronunciation Sounding Grateful or Annoyed Part VI Homework --- Writing Work in small groups. Using the quotations from the rock stars and your own ideas, w
41、rite a campaign poster for or against music piracy. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容 教學(xué)后記 上課時間 5月25日 上課節(jié)次 1、2 課 型 lecture 課 題 Unit 8 In the Hot Seat;Lesson 1 Politically Speaking 教學(xué)目的 Understanding people’s opinions on politics 教學(xué)方法 Discussion and Practice 重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn) Discussing political leaders
42、and matching them to quotations 教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 Part I Speaking & Reading 1、Group discussion. Focus students on the images and ask them if they can identify the political leaders. 2、Group work. Ask students to write down as many facts as they can about these leaders. Each group reports to the wh
43、ole class and the group with the most correct facts wins. 3、Ask students to match the quotations to the leaders. 4、Discuss in pairs / small groups. 1) What information helped you to match the quotes to the political leaders? 2) In your opinion, what makes a great political leader?
44、 3) Why do some people mistrust politicians? Part II Listening 1、Focus students on the photos. Ask them to predict the political views for each person. Tell students to write the person’s initial next to the corresponding statement. Try to predict which person … 1) is right of centre politi
45、cally. 2) hates politicians. 3) is likely to take part in a protest march. 4) is very concerned about the environment. 2、Play the recording and then check answers with the whole class. Were their predictions right? 3、Listen again and complete the table with notes on what each speaker says
46、. Part III The Real Thing Who cares? \ I don’t care 1、Students listen to the recording and fill in the gaps. I mean, I don’t care about wars or anything like that. Who cares if we’re destroying the environment? 2、Ask students to read the questions and note down the answers while the
47、y listen to the recording. Students check answers, first in pairs, and then with the whole class. 3、Pair work. Ask students to choose one of the topics and to role-play a conversation. A cares passionately about the topic, for B the subject is irrelevant. When they have finished they choose another
48、 topic and reverse roles. Part IV Language Focus Conditionals (條件狀語從)(1) 1、 Complete the following sentences so that they are true for you. 1) If I had more time … 2) If I was president of my country … 3) If I feel strongly about an issue … 2、 Students translate the Chine
49、se sentences into English. They compare answers in pairs, and then check with the whole class. 3、 Students fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs. They compare answers in pairs, and then check with the whole class. Part V Homework Translation exercises in page 115.
50、 教學(xué)內(nèi)容 教學(xué)后記 上課時間 5月27日 上課節(jié)次 3、4 課 型 lecture 課 題 Lesson 2 In Big Trouble 教學(xué)目的 Introducing and practicing prepositional phrases 教學(xué)方法 Discussion and Practice 重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn) Introducing unreal past conditionals 教 學(xué) 內(nèi) 容 Part I Speaking & Reading 1、Look at the p
51、hotos. Do you know who they are? 1) Do you know who any of the people are? 2) What scandals were they involved in (e.g. political, financial, sporting)? 3) What do you think they did? 2、Read the texts about Bill Clinton and Nick Leeson. Student A: Read the texts about Bill Clinton and
52、 Nick Leeson opposite. Student B: Read the texts about Tonya Harding on page 200. 3、Pair work. Ask students to read the sentences and decide which of the people they refer to. Check answers with the whole class. 4、Group discussion. Students discuss the question in pairs: Which scand
53、al is the worst? Part II Vocabulary & Speaking Prepositional phrases 1、Focus students on the extract from the Tonya Harding text. Ask them to identify more examples of prepositional phrases in the other texts. 2、Ask students to complete the phrases individually and then to check in pairs.
54、 3、Complete these sentences using one of the above expressions. Notice the verbs which go with these prepositional phrases. 4、Work in pairs / small groups. Tell your classmates about a time when you were… ? in charge of something ? in danger. ? in trouble Part III Language Focus
55、 Conditionals (條件狀語從)(2) Part IV Practice 1、 Transform the following sentences so that they have the same meaning. 1) I didn’t know her number so I didn’t call her. →If I’d known her number I would’ve called her. 2) I wasn’t able to do the assignment because
56、 you didn’t help me. →If you’d helped me I would’ve been able to do the assignment. 2、 Use some of these phrases to talk about yourself using unreal past conditionals. 3、 If I’d saved more money, I could have bought a new car. Part V Homework Translation exercises in page 107 教學(xué)內(nèi)容 教學(xué)后記
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