1、去分支技術(shù)處理復雜主動脈夾層去分支技術(shù)處理復雜主動脈夾層AD的腔內(nèi)治療時代的腔內(nèi)治療時代 TEVAR ,thoracic endovascular aortic repair TEVARTEVAR的挑戰(zhàn)的挑戰(zhàn): :弓部病變復雜弓部病變復雜 缺乏足夠的錨定區(qū) 累及弓上分支血管主動脈弓嚴重迂曲無合理腔內(nèi)器材操作有更多風險 復雜復雜Stanford B ADStanford B AD治療的三個層次治療的三個層次v TEVARv 煙囪技術(shù)、開窗技術(shù)、分支支架技術(shù)煙囪技術(shù)、開窗技術(shù)、分支支架技術(shù)v Hybrid: 頸部血管重建、去分支技術(shù)頸部血管重建、去分支技術(shù)v 外科手術(shù)外科手術(shù)解決方法一:煙囪技術(shù)
2、Chimney / Double barrel / Snorkle Technique.解決方法二:開窗技術(shù)解決方法三:分支支架解決方法三:分支支架解決方法四:HYBRID技術(shù) 去分支手術(shù)步驟一:分支血管重建 去分支手術(shù)步驟二:支架植入河南省人民醫(yī)院單中心河南省人民醫(yī)院單中心HYBRIDHYBRID技術(shù)處理復雜技術(shù)處理復雜TBADTBAD回顧分析回顧分析l 2008年1月至2016年6月,該中心對613例Stanford B型夾層患者實施TEVAR手術(shù); l 其中,男性502例,女性111例,平均年齡52 12.1歲; l 平均隨訪時間為34 11.3 月,隨訪率為60.1%(368例) ,失
3、訪率為39.9%(245例)。l Hybrid技術(shù)處理復雜TBAD 89例(14.5%,89/613),其中,去分支技術(shù)共28例( 4.6%,28/613 )。l 隨訪結(jié)果顯示,去分支技術(shù)處理復雜TBAD 圍手術(shù)期死亡1例( 3.6%,1/28 ),術(shù)中出現(xiàn)A型夾層1例( 3.6%,1/28 ),術(shù)后出現(xiàn)A型夾層1例( 3.6%,1/28 )。河南省人民醫(yī)院單中心河南省人民醫(yī)院單中心HYBRIDHYBRID技術(shù)處理復雜技術(shù)處理復雜TBADTBAD回顧分析回顧分析CaseCase 1 1 CTACTA of preoperativeof preoperativeMale, 36 yrs.1 we
4、ek after TEVAR1 week after TEVARMedtronic, 34*200CaseCase 2 2 CTACTA of preoperativeof preoperativeMale, 55 yrs.1 week after TEVAR1 week after TEVARCOOK, 36*200Case3 CTACase3 CTACase3 OPCase3 OP 患者,女,47歲 突發(fā)胸背部疼痛6小時 高血壓病史4年 CTA提示主動脈B型夾層CaseCase 4 4CaseCase 4 4 CTACTACaseCase 4 4 CTACTACaseCase 4 4 CT
5、A of CTA of introprocedureintroprocedureCaseCase 4 4 CTA of after procedureCTA of after procedure討討 論論文獻報道顯示,去分支技術(shù)處理復雜主動脈夾層文獻報道顯示,去分支技術(shù)處理復雜主動脈夾層或動脈瘤的或動脈瘤的3030天腦卒中發(fā)生率為天腦卒中發(fā)生率為 4%-8%4%-8%;截癱發(fā)生率為截癱發(fā)生率為 2%-4%2%-4%;內(nèi)漏的發(fā)生率接近于;內(nèi)漏的發(fā)生率接近于0 0。Nicholas D. Andersen, MD, Results with an algorithmic approach to h
6、ybrid repair of the aortic Nicholas D. Andersen, MD, Results with an algorithmic approach to hybrid repair of the aortic arch . arch . J J VascVasc SurgSurg 2013;57:655-67. 2013;57:655-67. Joseph Bavaria, MDJoseph Bavaria, MD,Hybrid approaches in the treatment of aortic arch aneurysms: Postoperative
7、 Hybrid approaches in the treatment of aortic arch aneurysms: Postoperative and midterm outcomes . J and midterm outcomes . J ThoracThorac CardiovascCardiovasc SurgSurg 2013;145:S85-90 2013;145:S85-90 討討 論論中遠期隨訪結(jié)果顯示,去分支技術(shù)處理復雜主中遠期隨訪結(jié)果顯示,去分支技術(shù)處理復雜主動脈夾層,尤其支架錨定區(qū)位于動脈夾層,尤其支架錨定區(qū)位于0 0區(qū)的患者安全區(qū)的患者安全有效,并且,明顯減少有
8、效,并且,明顯減少型內(nèi)漏和型內(nèi)漏和型內(nèi)漏的型內(nèi)漏的發(fā)生機會。在主動脈弓部外科中技術(shù)優(yōu)勢明顯。發(fā)生機會。在主動脈弓部外科中技術(shù)優(yōu)勢明顯。Nicholas D. Andersen, MD, Results with an algorithmic approach to hybrid repair of the aortic Nicholas D. Andersen, MD, Results with an algorithmic approach to hybrid repair of the aortic arch . arch . J J VascVasc SurgSurg 2013;57:6
9、55-67. 2013;57:655-67. Joseph Bavaria, MDJoseph Bavaria, MD,Hybrid approaches in the treatment of aortic arch aneurysms: Postoperative and Hybrid approaches in the treatment of aortic arch aneurysms: Postoperative and midterm outcomes . J midterm outcomes . J ThoracThorac CardiovascCardiovasc SurgSu
10、rg 2013;145:S85-90 2013;145:S85-90 討討 論論但隨訪結(jié)果同樣顯示,去分支技術(shù)可能引起但隨訪結(jié)果同樣顯示,去分支技術(shù)可能引起逆逆行性行性A A型夾層型夾層和和圍手術(shù)期死亡率圍手術(shù)期死亡率的的提高提高等問題,等問題,需要給予足夠的重視。需要給予足夠的重視。Nicholas D. Andersen, MD, Results with an algorithmic approach to hybrid repair of the aortic Nicholas D. Andersen, MD, Results with an algorithmic approach
11、to hybrid repair of the aortic arch . arch . J J VascVasc SurgSurg 2013;57:655-67. 2013;57:655-67. Joseph Bavaria, MDJoseph Bavaria, MD,Hybrid approaches in the treatment of aortic arch aneurysms: Postoperative Hybrid approaches in the treatment of aortic arch aneurysms: Postoperative and midterm ou
12、tcomes . J and midterm outcomes . J ThoracThorac CardiovascCardiovasc SurgSurg 2013;145:S85-90 2013;145:S85-90 CaseCase 5 5 CTACTA of preoperativeof preoperativeMale, 44 yrs.CTACTA of preoperativeof preoperativeCTACTA of preoperativeof preoperativeOur planOur plan:Debranch + TEVARDuring OPBlue arrow
13、: ascending aortic dissectionEmergent planEmergent plan:Bentallarch replacementelephant trunk2 weeks after OP2 weeks after OP術(shù)前術(shù)前CTACaseCase 6 6 CTACTA of preoperativeof preoperativeMale, 72yrs. CTACTA of preoperativeof preoperative CTACTA of preoperativeof preoperative10 days after TEVAR10 days after TEVARMedtronic Valiant 36*200Case6 Case6 Ruptured TAARuptured TAACase 6 Case 6 Ruptured TAARuptured TAA小小 結(jié)結(jié)1、主動脈弓病變的復雜程度決定了TEVAR手術(shù)難度及手術(shù)風險程度;2、“勉為其難”的簡化手術(shù)方式為手術(shù)失敗埋下伏筆!3、仔細的讀片,加強對主動脈弓部病變的理解,個體化方案的實施是治療之關(guān)鍵。4、去分支技術(shù)在主動脈弓部外科中技術(shù)優(yōu)勢明顯;5、簡化治療方案、有效解決復雜弓部病變是TEVAR器械發(fā)展的重要方向之一。