摘 要
The graduation project dedicated CNC milling machine automatic feeding system design called out, starting from the research bench CNC milling machining centers, advanced experience at home and abroad, has designed a device suitable for automatic access to material processing center table with matching finish with action automatic feeding device designed out fast, accurate positioning and long-time continuous operation, etc., to meet the needs of production and design, the main components of the major design includes a dedicated fixture, transportation agencies.
Seriously considering "practical, safe and economical" and other factors, make the necessary care program after finalization.Choose the best solution for special fixtures electric device as a clamping device, designed inside and outside the bar and clamping plate workpiece positioning. Delivery mechanism chosen electromechanical device, using a stepper motor, linear guides, ball screw pair and couplings for automatic access to material of the workpiece.
The graduation project dedicated CNC milling machine automatic feeding system design called out, starting from the research bench CNC milling machining centers, advanced experience at home and abroad, has designed a device suitable for automatic access to material processing center table with matching finish with action automatic feeding device designed out fast, accurate positioning and long-time continuous operation, etc., to meet the needs of production and design, the main components of the major design includes a dedicated fixture, transportation agencies.
Keywords: automatic access to materials;fixture;stepper motor;ball screw
目 錄
引言 1
1 緒論 2
1.1 國外數(shù)控機床業(yè)自動進出料的發(fā)展狀況及趨勢 2
1.2 國內數(shù)控機床業(yè)自動進出料的發(fā)展狀況及存在問題 2
1.3 課題研究的目的及意義 3
1.4 課題主要任務 3
2 總體方案設計 3
2.1 方案擬定 3
2.1.1 輸送機構的設計方案 3
2.1.2 專用夾具的設計方案 5
3 專用數(shù)控銑床自動進出料裝置機械結構設計 7
3.1 滾珠絲杠副的設計 7
3.1.1滾珠絲杠副主要尺寸參數(shù) 7
3.1.2滾珠絲杠副的支承形式 8
3.1.3 滾珠絲杠副軸向間隙的調整與預緊 8
3.1.4滾珠絲杠副的計算與選型 8
3.1.5滾珠絲杠副的安裝聯(lián)接尺寸 11
3.2 導軌的選型 12
3.2.1直線滾動導軌副的工作原理與裝配方式 13
3.2.2直線滾動導軌副的計算與選型 14
3.2.3直線滾動導軌副的安裝聯(lián)接尺寸 15
3.2.4導軌間隙的調整 15
3.2.5 導軌材料的熱處理 15
3.2.6 導軌的潤滑和防護 16
3.3 聯(lián)軸器的選型 16
3.4 電機的選型 18
4 專用夾具設計 20
4.1 定位方案 20
4.1.1定位方案的選擇 21
4.2 夾緊方案 21
4.3 夾具裝配圖 25
4.4夾具裝配圖上的尺寸、公差和技術要求 25
4.5 夾具經(jīng)濟性分析 26
5 主機支架設計 27
6 自動進出料裝置控制系統(tǒng)簡介 29
7 總結 30
謝 辭 31
參考文獻 32
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