M o u l d the main task is gettingextensiveand semi-finishedstageleft;finished the main componentsof the size and surfacequalityassurance.Taking into accountthe currentelectionentirelyby the computerautomatically knifethereare stillcertaindifficulties,therefore,in our development of the c omputer-aidedtool selection(ComputerAidedTool Selection,CATS) system,basedon the usersto providea decision-supporttool,roughing, semi-finishingand finishing.the real decision-makingpower is left to users,and to bringinto full play the advantagesof computer. 1.Systemstructure. CATS systemfor CAD modelinput,outputtypesof tools,tool specificationsMillingdepth,feed,SpindleSpeed(Speed)and the processingtime of six parameters(Figure1). Tool typesof options, includingdecision-supporttool,tool selectiondecision-supporttool for roughing.tool selectiondecision-supporttool for semi-finishingand finishingtool selectiondecision-makingtools. Figure1 computer-aidedtool selectionof inputand output Givenextensiveand importantpositionin the cavity(usually5-10 times finishingtime).snag when the systemis automaticallyoptimized 2 combinationof functionaltool to enhanceoverallprocessingefficiency. In additionto the abovedecision-makingtools,the systemalso has a detailedstandardizedtoolsto detect,Accordingto the recommendationof processingparametersand the size and type of tool to assessthe functionof processingtime.Tool choiceof the finaltotalreturns generated(Figure2). Tool Systemdata and knowledgeare all in support of the backgrounddatabase. Figure2 CAD tool selectionand the basicfunctionmodules 2 key technology and algorithms 1) Toolsfor choice Accordingdie NC practice,the tool generallyconsistsof MillingCutter peace.Filletcutterand the cutterball three.Basedtool diameterD, the radiusr, r = 0 when the crew cutter.0R toolscan be dividedinto the overallstyleand framedchip.Tippedfor the ceremony,the key is to selectmaterialblades,bladematerialsare determinedby threefactors: the workpiecematerial,Machinetool fixtureand the stabilityof the cantilever.Workpiecematerialwill be processedinto steel,stainless steel,cast iron,nonferrousmetals,materialsand otherhard-to-cut materialsand hardwaresix. Stabilityjig into the well,less than three grades.CantileverTool cantileveredinto shortand l ong cantilevertwo, the systemautomaticallyinductedbladematerialunderspecific circumstances.WALTERTool knowledgecomesfrom the decision-making manuals,systemusersto choosethe firstinteractivetool types.Tipped Toolsof the rule-basedAutomated Reasoningbladessuitablematerial.For example,if the workpiecematerialas steel,the stabilityof the fixturegood tool for shortcantilevercantilever.Bladematerialwill be WAP25. 3 2) PortfolioOptimizationTool snag The objectiveis to maximizethe cavitysnag in the removalof excess metal,used Ping Cutterand take all the layers.Therefore,the 3D die roughingprocessis actuallya seriesof 2.5D die for processing. OptimizationTool Tool Groupsgoal is to find a combinationthat will enableit to the highestremovalefficiencyof most metals.The basic approachis as follows: PortfolioOptimizationTool A. To do a certainstep in the directionperpendicularto the feed cavity searchplaneand entitiesintersect,the formationsearchlayer. B. Deadlinefor submissionof outlineobtained. C. Calculationlink betweenor outsideof criticaldistancebetweenthe islands,the choiceof toolsto influencethe geometricconstraint,the algorithmshownin figure3. Figure3 key demandfrom the algorithm. D. Underthis principle(the distancebetweenadjacentkey differenceis less than a giventhreshold)levelof the searchfor a mergerPlane processingand identifyviabletool sets,forminglayers. E. Each layerprocessingtool used to determinethat the combinationof the tool cavity. F. Accordingto the recommendedprocessingtool parameters(cuttingspeed, feed rate and depthof milling),materialremovalrate calculation. G. Accordingto the actualremovalof the layerprocessingvolume,the processingtime is calculatedfor each layerprocessing. H. Calculatethe totalprocessingtime and residualvolumecavity. 4 I. The overallcompositionof this groupprocessingefficiencyassessment tool. J. Ai repeateduntilthe optimalcombinationof the tool.If time goal that the processingtime t requiredfor the entirecavitytool to optimizethe combinationof the shortest.Basedon the abovemethodology, we can establishthe followingformaloptimizationmodel. MRRi=(dicij) (Nfz)(X cross-sectionalarea of cuttingfeed rate) Where: n-layerprocessingcavityvolume;M-layerprocessingeach of the millingcutternumber;l-processinglayerin the searcheach layervolume; q-layerprocessingeverytool possiblenumber;h-cavitydepth;cij -i time processinglayerj Millingdepth; aj - j cuttingarea of the base layer;vi -i processingvolume;MRRi-i millinglayer,layerof material removal;di -i layerprocessingtool diameter;-i processinglayerdip viabletool set; rik -i processinglayerk ;e1 searchof the key distance-control layerwith a constantsearch;e2 - residualvolume controlconstants;V-cavityvolume;DV - residualvolume;N-spindlespeed; f-cutterfeed per tooth;z-cutterteeth. Planetakinginto accountthe differentstepsin the searchprocesswill producedifferentlevels,resultingin the processingtime and residual volume,So sometimes,even thoughtotalprocessingtime shorter,but more 5 likelyto residualvolume.This showsthat the targetof a separate optimizationof processingtime are not necessarilyscience.Therefore, the coefficientof efficiencyof the concept,consideringthe processing time and the residualvolume,the processing time is shorter.less residualvolume,the higherthe efficiencycoefficient.Possession: On a middle-processingunit volumereflectsthe time factor,k =DV/V percentageof residualvolume.Thus,the efficiencycoefficientdefined as q = 1/ Q . 3) Semi-finishedTool Selection The main purposeis to removesemi-finishedroughingthe residue levelcontourshape.For the completeremovalof height,depthmilling the surfacemust be greaterthan the distancebetweeneach levelof x components.Algorithmstepsare as follows: Step 1 modelwill have two partsfrom the adjacentsectionand the correspondingsurfacecontourlength; Step 2 calculationof the averagelengthprofile; Step 3 calculatingheightwidth; Step 4 Calculationof the cornerto level the surfaceof the parts to distancex law; Step 5 Repeatstepsfrom 1 to 4 steps,each step of the decisionMilling depth; Step 6 curveof the diameterD, D=x/0.6Toolsmanualor recommendedby experience; Step 7 x greaterthan the minimumdepthof choicemillingcutter. 4) finishedTool Selection The basicprincipleis : finishingtool selectiontool radiusR size smallerthan the smallestcurvatureradiusr surfaceparts.General admissionR = (0.80.9)r. The followingsteps: 6 Step 1 algorithmmodelfrom the smallestradiusof curvatureparts entities;Step 2 retrievedfrom the databasetool cutterradiusless than the radiusof curvaturecalculationfor all tool; Step 3 selectthe best toolsto meet theserequirements; Step 4 : If all the toolsthan the smallestradiusof curvature.Minimum recommendedas a tool of choice. 3 implementationof the systemand examples CATS systemin the C languageenvironmentUG/OPENAPI was developed. Backgroundfor the Oracle8i databaseusingODBC programmingand database communicationsbetweenUG. All the data and knowledgefrom GermanyWALTER Tool CompanyCarbideTool integrateds amples.Figure4 containsa sculpturedsurfaceof the mold cavityand the island,accordingto the snag in the portfoliooptimizationtool,The die-extensiveportfolio optimizationtool for 20,12,8,5.Calculation,the workpiecematerial selectedfor carbonsteel,cuttingspeed100m/minrecommendedvalue. Millingdepthof two sixthtool diameter,feed rate accordingto the recommendedvaluesfrom the processtool that automaticallycalculated. Meanwhile,the assumptionthat the existinglevelCutterTool Tool Library specificationsfor f3, f4, f5, f6, f8 and f10, f12. f16, f20. Similarly,semi-finishingand finishingtool selectionalgorithm,the tool diameterball mill for 4 and 3. Figure4 containsthe islandand sculpturedsurfaceof the mold cavity 7 4 Summaryand Discussion The planningprocessusuallydie of high technologyand experienceNC data preparationand processingalmostas much time.Therefore,the automaticprocessplanningcavityNC machininginstructionsand it is even more urgentneeds.We systematicallystudied the tool selection processplanningdie, the die roughing,semi-finishing.and finishing tool of choicefor the method,the correspondingalgorithm.UG/OPEN environmentin a preliminaryAPI programming,and developeda prototype systemCATS.Tool to determinethe type and specificationsbasedon the recommendationof manualprocessingsystemis also underToolsparameters (cuttingspeed.Millingdepth,feed and so on), correspondingto the processingtime for assessment.CAD/CAMits ultimateaim is to achievea trulyintegrated,and then have to deal with NC machininginstructions. At present,the CATS systemis independentof the interfaceUG CAM interface.CATS resultsof the decisionsneed to be re-enteredinto CAM users.What needsto be pointedout is that the mold cavityto enhance the overallprocessingefficiency,from roughing,semi-finishing. finishedthe overallconsiderationfor the multi-objectiveoptimization, whichwill be our next step is to conductthe work.