Journal of Materials Processing techology 77(1998) 153-156MODULARMODULARMODULARMODULAR SCREWSCREWSCREWSCREW CONVEYORCONVEYORCONVEYORCONVEYORAbstractAbstractAbstractAbstractAscrew conveyor composed of a plurality of modules mated end to end and of identical integrally moldedconstruction. Each module is molded of a suitable plastic material and has integrally formed therewith acylindrical body, a coaxially disposed tube within the body, and a web helically disposed between the coaxialtube and the cylindrical body. The module includes ends mateable with corresponding ends of like modules toprovide a screw conveyor of intended length and which is rotatable as a single unitary structure. Each modulemay have a sheave integrally molded thereon for mating with a V-belt drive.Alternatively, the modules can beof open form each having a helical web molded on a central tube preferably having a non-circular and adaptedfor end to end mating with like modules to provide a screw conveyor of desired length. This open type ofscrew conveyor can be readily retrofitted to systems having conventional metal conveyor screws.BACKGROUNDBACKGROUNDBACKGROUNDBACKGROUND OFOFOFOFTHETHETHETHE INVENTIONINVENTIONINVENTIONINVENTIONScrew conveyors are well known for the transport ofM.Alauddin et al./Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 77(1998) 153-156155bulk material. Such conveyors generally include ahelical screw disposed within housing, often oftrough like form, and rotatable about its longitudinalaxis to cause propulsion of bulk material along thelengthofthescrew.Conveyorsofknownconstruction are usually fabricated of metal and areconstructed to an intended finished size to provide aconveyor of intended length. Screw conveyors havealso been constructed of modular or segmented formto provide sections which can be assembled into acomplete conveyor of a desired length. Examples ofsegmented or modular conveyors are shown in U.S.Pat. Nos. 349,233; 525,194; 1,867,573; 2,394,163;2,492,915 and 3,178,210.SUMMARYSUMMARYSUMMARYSUMMARY OFOFOFOF THETHETHETHE INVENTIONINVENTIONINVENTIONINVENTIONconveyor composed of identical end to end matedmodules, each module being of integral plasticmolded construction. Each module inThe presentinvention provides a screw cludes a body ofcylindrical configuration, a tube coaxially disposedwithin the cylindrical body and having an openingextending there through, with a web helicallydisposed between the coaxial tube and cylindricalbody. The ends of the body and coaxial tube areconfigured to seemingly engage like ends of matedmodules, and the respective ends of the helical webincludesurfacesmateablewithcorrespondingsurfaces of the modules. The modules are axiallymated to form a conveyor of desired length, themated modules being retained in engagement by atensile member such as a rod disposed through thealigned openings of the coaxial tubes and operativeto provide an intended compressive force on theengaged modules.Alternatively, themodules can be secured in engagement by othermeans such as flanges on the ends of the body. Themodule body, coaxial tube, and helical web areintegrally molded of a suitable plastic material,typically by an injection molding process. Eachmodule may include a sheave integrally formed withthe body which is composed of a plurality of spacedsegments to define a V-groove configured to matewith a V-belt of an exterior drive. Alternatively,sprocket teeth may be integrally formed with themodule body to mate with a chain drive, or otherdriving means can be employed.In the embodiment described above, the helical webis integrally formed within a surrounding tube whichprovides a self-enclosure for the helical screw. Theconveyor of the present invention can also beembodied in open form in which the modulecomprisesacentraltubepreferablyhavinganon-circular opening, about which the helical web isintegrally molded. The ends of the central tube andends of the web are mateable with the ends of themodules to provide a conveyor of desired length.Themodulesareretainedincompressiveengagement by a tensile member such as a shaft ofnon- circular cross-section extending through thealigned non-circular openings of the central tubes,the rod also serving as a tensional drive shaft for themated modules. This open type of screw conveyordriven by a central shaft is adapted to be readilyretrofittedtoexistingconveyorsystemswhichpresentlyemployconventionalmetalconveyorscrews.The molded plastic conveyor of this invention offersmajor benefits over screw conveyors of conventionalconstruction. The assembled modules offer smootheffectivelycontinuoussurfacesthroughoutthelength of the conveyor with no hardware or otherobstructions along the conveying surfaces. Thenovel conveyor is easily cleaned and can be moldedof a variety of materials compatible with andsuitable for particular operational purposes. TheM.Alauddin et al./Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 77(1998) 153-156156conveyor is not subject to rust or corrosion, as withmany conveyors, and is of much less weight than ametal conveyor of the same size. The modularconstruction allows a single unitary module to bemanufactured and stocked for assembly as necessaryto achieve conveyors of different lengths. Themodules can be easily shipped to an installation siteand assembled on site for use. The conveyor can alsobe readily disassembled into its component modulessuch as for cleaning, shipping, or repair.DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION OFOFOFOF THETHETHETHE DRAWINGSDRAWINGSDRAWINGSDRAWINGSThe invention will be more fully understood fromthefollowingdetaileddescriptiontakeninconjunction with the accompanying drawings, inwhich: FIG. 1 is a pictorial view of a screwconveyor module embodying the invention; FIG. 2is an end view of the module of FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is asectional view taken along lines 33 of FIG. 2; FIG.4 is a pictorial view of an embodiment similar to thatof FIG. 1 and including an integrally molded sheavethereon; FIG. 5 is an end view of the module of FIG.4; FIG. 6 is a sectional view taken along lines 66of FIG. 5; FIG. 7 is a sectional side view of a screwconveyor embodying the invention and composed ofthe modules of FIGS. 1-3; FIG. 8 is a cutaway sideview of a module having alternative mountingmeans; FIG. 9 is a sectional elevation view of afurther embodiment of a screw conveyor module ofthe invention; FIG. 10 is an end view of the moduleof FIG. 9; FIG. 11 is a side view of a screwconveyor embodying the invention and composed ofthe modules of FIGS. 9 and 10; and FIG. 12 is apictorial view of a further embodiment of a screwconveyor module of the invention.DETAILEDDETAILEDDETAILEDDETAILED DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION OFOFOFOF THETHETHETHEINVENTIONINVENTIONINVENTIONINVENTIONReferring to FIGS. 1-3 of the drawing, there isshown an integrally molded module which is matedwith like modules to form a screw conveyor ofintended length. The module is molded of a suitableplastic material such as polyethylene, polypropyleneor polyurethane and has integrally formed therewithall essential constituents of the screw conveyor. Themodule includes a body of tubular configurationhaving on the ends thereof circular grooves 12 and16, respectively, for accommodation of an O-ringseal between mated modules. A tube 16 is coaxiallydisposed within body 10 and having an opening 18extending there through, with a web 20 helicallydisposed between the inner surface of body 10 andouter surface of tube 16. The tube 16 includes on therespective ends thereof circular grooves 5 17 foraccommodation of an O-ring seal. The web 20 isslightly less than one helical pitch length terminatingin respective ends 22 and 24 which include radicallyparallelsurfaces26adaptedtoconfrontcorresponding surfaces of like modules. Thus, thesurface 26 of helix end 10 22 is adapted to confrontthe oppositely facing edge of end 24 of an adjacentmodule. The web ends extend outward of theconfrontingendsofbody10typicallybyapproximately 1/2 the wall thickness of the web, asillustrated. By having the length of the helical web15 slightly less than the helical pitch it is possible toinjection mold the module by conventional moldingtechniques since as seen from FIG. 2 the two halvesM.Alauddin et al./Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 77(1998) 153-156155of an injection mold can open axially of the modulewhich, because its helical length is slightly less thanone helical pitch, presents no undercuts to the moldhalves. Typically, the web length is about onepercent lessthanthe pitchlengthtoprovidesufficient clearance for mold tooling.An embodiment similar to that of FIGS. 1-3 isshown in FIGS. 4-6 and includes a sheave integrallymolded with the conveyor module. The sheave isprovidedaroundthebodycentrallydisposedbetween the respective ends of the body, the sheavebeing composed of alternating segments. A firstarray of segments is disposed around the body inspaced circumferential arrangement.A secondarray of segments is axially spaced from thesegments and is circumferentially disposed aboutbody in spaced position staggered from the positionof the segments, as illustrated. The confrontingsurfaces and of respective segments and define aV-groove, best seen in FIG. 6, configured to matewith a V-belt of an exterior drive. The module isotherwise the same as described above with respectto FIGS. 1-3. The staggered arrangement of thesegmentsandallowinjectionmoldingbyconventional injection molding techniques since thestaggered arrangement as seen from FIGS. 4-5permits the mold halves to open axially of themodule and presents no undercuts to the moldhalves.The module of FIGS. 1-3 is axially mated withlike modules, as shown in FIG. 7, to form aconveyor of desired length. Each of the modules isalignedwiththeendsofadjacentbodiesinengagement with an interposed O-ring, and with theends of adjacent tubes in engagement with aninterposed O-ring. The helical webs have their edgesconfronting to provide an effectively continuoushelical screw disposed within the continuous tubularbody formed by the mated modules. Since the web isslightly less than one helical pitch length, smallspaces exist between the confronting web ends ofmatedmodules.Typically,thegapbetweenconfronting web ends is about 0.1 inch for a web ofeight inch diameter. The small spaces between theconfronting ends of the helical web are of littleconsequence to the ability of the assembled screw toconvey most products.The small spaces may be filled in with materialwhich is the same as or compatible with that of themodule. For example, molded strips of plasticmaterial can be inserted into the small spacesbetween web ends and fused therein, such as by hotgas welding, to produce a helical web having fullycontinuous surfaces. The elimination of the smallgaps is useful in some applications such as wheresanitary conditions require. For most conveyingpurposes,thesmallspacesarenotofanyconsequence.Thematedmodulesaremaintainedinengagement by a tensile member disposed within theopenings of tubes. This member typically is a metalrod 41 having threaded ends 42 and fasteners 44whicharetightenedtoprovideanintendedcompressiveforceontheengagedmodules.Alternatively, the tensile member can be a wire,plastic, or other rope disposed within the openings18 of tubes 16 and tensioned by appropriatefasteners on the respective ends of the rope. In caseswheretheconveyorissubjecttochangesintemperature, it would be preferable to have a tensilemember which allows for expansion and contractionoftheconveyorwhilemaintainingtheaxialcompressive force on the mated modules. The tensilemember should be of a material having thermalexpansion and contraction characteristics in relationto those of the modules to maintain a compressiveload on the mated modules even during temperaturecycling.The modules can alternatively be secured togetherby means other than a tensile member. One suchalternative is illustrated in FIG. 8 in which the body10 includes on each end thereof an integral flange 45havingopenings47disposedaboutthecircumference of the flange and through whichfasteners are insert able for securing mated endstogether.The mated modules may be supported forrotation on rollers 46. Typically, an array of threeM.Alauddin et al./Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 77(1998) 153-156156circumferentially spaced rollers is provided neareach end of the conveyor body. Additional rollerscan be provided as necessary, depending upon thelength of the particular conveyor. Axial positioningof the conveyor body is maintained by horizontallydisposed rollers 48 at each end of the body, theserollers being circumferentially spaced about theperiphery of the body. A flange 50 is attached to theend modules of the conveyor and includes a circularsurface 52 which is cooperative with the rollers 48 tomaintain the axial position of the rot able body. Aslip seal can be machined or otherwise formed in theouter end of the outermost module. In the illustratedembodiment, the slip seal is in the form of anannular groove 54 into which an end of a feed tube56 is inserted, and with respect to which theconveyor body is rotatable. The feed tube 56 istypically connected to a hopper 58 into which aproductisfed(asshownbythearrow)forconveyance.The drive assembly 60 includes sheaves 62carried by and rotatable with a shaft 64 which issupported on bearing blocks 66 and which is drivenby a motor (not shown). The shaft 64 is spaced fromand parallel to the conveyor body, and each sheave62 may be in association with a respective conveyormodule. V-belts 68 couple the drive sheaves 62 tothe conveyor modules and by which power istransmitted to the conveyor body for rotation thereof.In the illustrated embodiment, each of the modules isdriven by an associated conveyor belt coupled to thedrive assembly. All of the conveyor modules neednot be driven, and the driven number will bedetermined in accordance with the motive forcenecessary to rotate the conveyor for particularapplications.If the modules of FIGS. 4-6 are employed, thesheaves 28 are operative to engage the V-belts 68 fordriving the conveyor. It is appreciated that theconveyor can be driven by other than V-belts. Forexample, chain sprockets can be formed on orattached to the modules for cooperation with a chaindrive.Another embodiment of the invention is shownin FIGS. 9 and 10 and includes a screw conveyormodule having a central tube 70 of cylindricalexterior form, 5 with a non-circular opening therethrough and with a web 72 helically disposed aboutthe central tube. The helical web is slightly less inlength than one helical pitch length, as described,and terminates at edges 74 and 76, these edges beingadapted to confront corresponding edges of adjacentmodules. The opening 78 through the central tube isof non-circular cross-section at end portions 80 andtapers to a non-circular cross-section at a centralportion 82. This tapering is slight and is provided asdraft angle to facilitate removal of the 15 modulefromaxiallyseparable molds. The opening isconfigured to mate with a non-circular shaft whichserves as a tensile member to lock the modules intoaxial engagement and which also serves as a positivedrive shaft for rotation of the conveyor. In theembodiment of FIGS. 9 and 10, the opening isillustrated as hexagonal, although other noncircularshaped openings can be provided in tube for usewith a correspondingly shaped shaft to preventrotation of the engaged modules relative to the shaft.Ascrew conveyor composed of the modules ofFIGS. 9 and 10 is shown in FIG. 11. Each of themodules is aligned with the ends of adjacent centraltubes 70 in engagement with an interposed O-ring84, and with the helical webs 72 having their endsconfronting to 35 provide an effectively continuoushelical screw. A shaft 86 is fitted through theopenings 80 through the tubes 70 and is secured byend fasteners, such as nuts 88 threaded onto threadedends of shaft 86, which are tightened to provide anintended compressive force on the interconnectedmodules, as described above. This embodiment ofFIG. 11 can be employed to retrofit existing metalscrew conveyors without material change to thedrive system.