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1 摘要: 簡述論文的內容。
2 緒論: 國內外有關文獻綜述。
3 大白菜收獲機機械部分設計—提升運輸機構的設計
4 總結。
1 查閱有關的國內外文獻,并認真閱讀。
2 學習二維、繪圖軟件。
3 結合相關大白菜收獲機機械部分設計—提升運輸機構的設計的結構設計特點,按要求創(chuàng)新地設
4 按要求繪圖,打印圖紙。
5 參照論文撰寫格式撰寫論文。
6 5月20號之前完成答辯。
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大白菜收獲機機械部分設計大白菜收獲機機械部分設計提升運輸機構的設計提升運輸機構的設計答 辯 人:設計的針對性設計的針對性 由以上圖片得知大白菜收獲作業(yè)很復雜性,由以上圖片得知大白菜收獲作業(yè)很復雜性,收獲作業(yè)的機械化程度還很低。該設計針對收獲作業(yè)的機械化程度還很低。該設計針對我我國大白菜的種植以小農戶居多,分布廣而分散國大白菜的種植以小農戶居多,分布廣而分散,而設計的實用化、小型化和簡單化的大白菜收而設計的實用化、小型化和簡單化的大白菜收獲機。設計過程中無論是提升運輸機構的設計、獲機。設計過程中無論是提升運輸機構的設計、輸送機構的設計,還是鎖緊機構的設計都是在輸送機構的設計,還是鎖緊機構的設計都是在實現(xiàn)功能的基礎上以結構簡單為主要設計原則。實現(xiàn)功能的基礎上以結構簡單為主要設計原則。大白菜收獲機的整體設計大白菜收獲機的整體設計 收獲機的工作過程為:扶莖器將大白菜扶收獲機的工作過程為:扶莖器將大白菜扶正,切削刀將白菜切斷。然后提升機構將白菜正,切削刀將白菜切斷。然后提升機構將白菜運輸?shù)捷斔蜋C構上,輸送機構再將大白菜運輸運輸?shù)捷斔蜋C構上,輸送機構再將大白菜運輸?shù)窖b箱裝置,最后把裝滿大白菜的箱子擺放在到裝箱裝置,最后把裝滿大白菜的箱子擺放在拖拉機后帶的車廂內。拖拉機后帶的車廂內。扶莖器主要將大白菜收攏扶正,由一些漸扶莖器主要將大白菜收攏扶正,由一些漸變傾斜桿組成;提升機構工作時與地面程變傾斜桿組成;提升機構工作時與地面程3030傾角,平行的兩條平帶夾緊并將大白菜從地面傾角,平行的兩條平帶夾緊并將大白菜從地面提升到輸送帶上,提升機構位置的固定依靠鎖提升到輸送帶上,提升機構位置的固定依靠鎖緊機構;輸送帶布置為水平,方便裝箱機構裝緊機構;輸送帶布置為水平,方便裝箱機構裝大白菜。大白菜。提升運輸機構結構圖提升運輸機構結構圖 提升運輸機構工作位置圖提升運輸機構工作位置圖l 原始數(shù)據(jù):原始數(shù)據(jù):提升帶速:提升帶速:1.5m/s,提升帶的長度:提升帶的長度:4500mm提升裝置與水平面的傾角:提升裝置與水平面的傾角:30,平帶帶輪直徑:平帶帶輪直徑:280mm工作條件:連續(xù)單向運轉,工作時有輕微振動工作條件:連續(xù)單向運轉,工作時有輕微振動使用期限為使用期限為10年,小批量生產,單班制工作年,小批量生產,單班制工作(8小時小時/天)。天)。運輸速度允許誤差為運輸速度允許誤差為5%。l傳動方案:傳動方案:外傳動為外傳動為V帶傳動帶傳動;提升運輸為平帶傳動提升運輸為平帶傳動 該方案的優(yōu)缺點:該提升運輸機有輕微該方案的優(yōu)缺點:該提升運輸機有輕微振動,由于振動,由于V帶有緩帶有緩 沖吸振能力,采用沖吸振能力,采用V帶帶傳動能減小振動帶來的影響,并且該工作機傳動能減小振動帶來的影響,并且該工作機屬于小功率、載荷變化不大,可以采用屬于小功率、載荷變化不大,可以采用V帶這帶這種簡單的結構,并且價格便宜,標準化程度種簡單的結構,并且價格便宜,標準化程度高,大幅降低了成本。提升部分采用高,大幅降低了成本。提升部分采用運用廣運用廣泛的泛的平帶傳動。平帶傳動。V帶由拖拉機上柴油機引出的帶由拖拉機上柴油機引出的轉速帶動。轉速帶動??傮w來講,該傳動方案滿足提升運輸裝總體來講,該傳動方案滿足提升運輸裝置的性能要求,適應工作條件、工作可靠,置的性能要求,適應工作條件、工作可靠,此外結構簡單、尺寸緊湊以及成本低。此外結構簡單、尺寸緊湊以及成本低。輸送機構輸送機構鎖緊機構鎖緊機構切削機構切削機構 The end!Thank you!大白菜收獲機的設計
摘 要
Designing Of Hoisting And Transporting Mechanism
For Cabbage Harvest Machinery
Farm machinery is to become the capital ship of the agriculture.This paper introduced gathering ,transporting and packing cabbage,on the basis of the working peculiarity of the cabbage harvest machinery,and it mainly introduced its transporting mechanism. The cabbage harvest machinery is suitable to gather in the cabbage for family expenses.
The cabbage harvest machinery use belt conveyors as its transporting mechanism,while Tensioning device, as an important and indispensable component of the belt conveyor, has a vital role to the stable operation of the belt conveyor . This paper introduces the role of the tensioning device,type,installation layout principles, and its development profile.And then raised the tension of the belt conveyor to the tension and take-up device requirements, on the basis the analysis of the principle of the transmission belt conveyor. In this paper, the main device design programme of the automatically tensioning device have been introduced, and descripte its main components for the design and selection of the note.The tensioning device use the screwstaff as the take-up of the implementation component.,with adjustable tension, simple, strong adaptability and control convenience, performance and safety and so on.
Keywords:Cabbage harvest; machinery; Belt hoisting and transporting mechanism; tensioning;Screwstaff
目 錄
1 緒論 1
2 大白菜收獲機總體和主要部件簡介。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。2
2.1. 大白菜收獲機工作原理和結構簡介。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。2
2.2 收獲機提升運輸裝置簡介 2
2.3 其他裝置簡介................................................................................................................3
2.3.1 收獲機輸送部分簡介。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。3
2.3.2 鎖緊裝置簡介。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。4
3 提升運輸裝置主要零部件的設計 7
3.1 機架的設計 7
3.1.1 機架外形.......................................................................................................................7
3.1.2 計算部分.......................................................................................................................8
3.1.3 機架結構的確定.........................................................................................................8
3.2平帶帶輪的設計 9
3.3平帶的選擇 10
3.4平帶帶輪軸的設計 11
3.4.1 主動軸的設計 11
3.4.2 從動軸的設計 13
3.5 端蓋.....................................................................................................................14
3.6 支承軸的設計.....................................................................................................14
4 結論 15
4.1主要結論 16
4.2 問題與展望 16
5 設計心得 17
參考文獻 18
致謝 19
1 緒 論
2 大白菜收獲機總體和主要部件簡介
2.1 大白菜收獲機工作原理和總體結構簡介
2.2 收獲機提升運輸裝置簡介
(2)、 傳動方案:
2.3 其他裝置簡介
本設計選用簡單帶式輸送機為計算實例。該帶式輸送機構的結構特征和工作原理是:輸送帶既是承載貨物的構件,又是傳遞牽引力的牽引構件,依靠輸送帶與滾筒之間的摩擦力平穩(wěn)地進行驅動。 如圖2-4所示為收獲機帶式輸送機構簡圖,輸送帶繞過驅動滾筒和張緊滾筒。工作時,由內燃機通過帶輪裝置使驅動滾筒轉動,依靠驅動滾筒與輸送帶之間的摩擦力使輸送帶運動,貨物隨輸送帶運送到卸載點。 為了減輕對輸送帶的磨損、提高生產率和便于布置裝、卸載裝置,輸送帶的布置形式為水平輸送。
2.3.2 鎖緊機構簡介
3 提升運輸裝置主要零部件的設計
3.1 機架的設計
208 + 2L = 4500 L = 1810 mm (L為機架長度)
3.2 平帶帶輪的設計
根據(jù)大白菜的外形尺寸初定平帶帶輪的直徑為300mm,查機械設計手冊選定平帶帶輪的直徑為280mm,寬度為198mm, 為防止掉帶,通常在平帶帶輪輪緣表面制成中凸度,根據(jù)平帶帶輪的直徑查機械設計手冊得平帶帶輪的中凸度為0.8mm,輪輻形式為四孔板輻,四個孔的直徑為40mm,輪轂長為115mm,輪轂孔的直徑為32mm,輪轂內外圈之間壁厚為16mm,輪緣厚度為12mm,輪轂與輪輻以及輪輻與輪緣由1:25的錐度過度連接,輪緣邊上有高4mm的凸緣,防止平帶在垂直提升運輸工作過程中沿平帶帶輪軸線方向滑脫,詳見圖紙,示意圖如圖3-4所示:
3.3 平帶的選擇
式中 :——分別為輸送帶實際傳遞的和允許傳遞的最大張力(N);
3.4.1 主動軸的設計
(1)、 選擇軸的材料及熱處理
所以取軸的轉速為90 r/min。
為了使安裝方便,平帶帶輪與軸選用間隙配合H6/g5。與軸承內圈配合軸徑選用r5,平帶帶輪與軸采用兩個A型普通平鍵聯(lián)接,為1045 GB1096。平帶帶輪的輪轂部分寬115mm,要固定在中空高度為210mm的機架的中間,在輪轂的每一端安裝兩個半圓形的擋圈,防止平帶帶輪的軸向竄動。
3.4.2 從動軸的設計
3.5 端蓋
3.6 支承軸的設計
1):支承軸 在機架中間均布著三根支承軸,因為支承軸受力不大,選用16的軸,長320mm,直接設計成一根螺栓,頭部螺紋長50mm,詳見圖紙部分。
2):軸套 與支承軸間隙配合,保護套筒的內圈精度。因套筒的內圈加工較支承軸難,所示特在套筒和支承軸間加一軸套,內徑16mm,長200mm,壁厚2mm,軸套與套筒采取過盈配合,工作時,軸套和套筒一起繞支承軸轉動。
3):套筒 因支承軸較細,所以在支承軸外套一內徑20mm,長200mm,壁厚15mm的套筒,以增加平帶工作的穩(wěn)定性,裝配關系如上所述。
4):螺母和墊圈 選用標準的M16螺母和與M16螺母想配合的墊圈,因都已標準化,所以不詳述。
4 結論
4.1 主要結論
4.2 問題與展望
5 設計心得
[1] 濮良貴,紀名剛。機械設計,第八版。北京:高等教育出版社,2006.
[2] 譚建榮,張樹有。圖學基礎教程。北京:高等教育出版社,2004.
[3] 劉鴻文。材料力學,第四版。北京:高等教育出版社,2004.
[4] 曾志新,呂明。機械制造技術基礎。武漢:武漢理工大學出版社,2001.
[5] 實用機械設計手冊 (上冊)。北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,1994.
[6] 運輸機械設計選用手冊 (上冊)。北京:化學工業(yè)出版社,2005.
致 謝
Gear mechanisms
Gear mechanisms are used for transmitting motion and power from one shaft to another by means of the positive contact of successively engaging teeth. In about 2,600B.C., Chinese are known to have used a chariot incorporating a complex series of gears like those illustrated in Fig.2.7. Aristotle, in the fourth century B .C .wrote of gears as if they were commonplace. In the fifteenth century A.D., Leonardo da Vinci designed a multitude of devices incorporating many kinds of gears. In comparison with belt and chain drives ,gear drives are more compact ,can operate at high speeds, and can be used where precise timing is desired. The transmission efficiency of gears is as high as 98 percent. On the other hand, gears are usually more costly and require more attention to lubrication, cleanliness, shaft alignment, etc., and usually operate in a closed case with provision for proper lubrication.
Gear mechanisms can be divided into planar gear mechanisms and spatial gear mechanisms. Planar gear mechanisms are used to transmit motion and spatial gear mechanisms. Planar gear mechanisms are used to transmit motion and power between parallel shafts ,and spatial gear mechanisms between nonparallel shafts.
Types of gears
(1) Spur gears. The spur gear has a cylindrical pitch surface and has straight teeth parallel to its axis as shown in Fig. 2.8. They are used to transmit motion and power between parallel shafts. The tooth surfaces of spur gears contact on a straight line parallel to the axes of gears. This implies that tooth profiles go into and out of contact along the whole facewidth at the same time. This will therefore result in the sudden loading and sudden unloading on teeth as profiles go into and out of contact. As aresult, vibration and noise are produced.
(2) Helical gears. These gears have their tooth elements at an angle or helix to the axis of the gear(Fig.2.9). The tooth surfaces of two engaging helical gears inn planar gear mechanisms contact on a straight line inclined to the axes of the gears. The length of the contact line changes gradually from zero to maximum and then from maximum to zero. The loading and unloading of the teeth become gradual and smooth. Helical gears may be used to transmit motion and power between parallel shafts[Fig. 2.9(a)]or shafts at an angle to each other[Fig. 2.9(d)]. A herringbone gear [Fig. 2.9(c)] is equivalent to a right-hand and a left-hand helical gear placed side by side. Because of the angle of the tooth, helical gears create considerable side thrust on the shaft. A herringbone gear corrects this thrust by neutralizing it , allowing the use of a small thrust bearing instead of a large one and perhaps eliminating one altogether. Often a central groove is made around the gear for ease in machining.
(3) Bevel gars. The teeth of a bevel gear are distributed on the frustum of a cone. The corresponding pitch cylinder in cylindrical gears becomes pitch cone. The dimensions of teeth on different transverse planes are different. For convenience, parameters and dimensions at the large end are taken to be standard values. Bevel gears are used to connect shafts which are not parallel to each other. Usually the shafts are 90 deg. to each other, but may be more or less than 90 deg. The two mating gears may have the same number of teeth for the purpose of changing direction of motion only, or they may have a different number of teeth for the purpose of changing both speed and direction. The tooth elements may be straight or spiral, so that we have plain and spiral bevel gears. Hypoid comes from the word hyperboloid and indicates the surface on which the tooth face lies. Hypoid gears are similar to bevel gears, but the two shafts do not intersect. The teeth are curved, and because of the nonintersection of the shafts, bearings can be placed on each side of each gear. The principal use of thid type of gear is in automobile rear ends for the purpose of lowering the drive shaft, and thus the car floor.
(4) Worm and worm gears. Worm gear drives are used to transmit motion and ower between non-intersecting and non-parallel shafts, usually crossing at a right angle, especially where it is desired to obtain high gear reduction in a limited space. Worms are a kind of screw, usually right handed for convenience of cutting, or left handed it necessary. According to the enveloping type, worms can be divided into single and double enveloping. Worms are usually drivers to reduce the speed. If not self-locking, a worm gear can also be the driver in a so called back-driving mechanism to increase the speed. Two things characterize worm gearing (a) large velocity ratios, and (b) high sliding velocities. The latter means that heat generation and power transmission efficiency are of greater concern than with other types of gears.
(5) Racks. A rack is a gear with an infinite radius, or a gear with its perimeter stretched out into a straight line. It is used to change reciprocating motion to rotary motion or vice versa. A lathe rack and pinion is good example of this mechanism.
Geometry of gear tooth
The basic requirement of gear-tooth geometry is the provision of angular velocity rations that are exactly constant. Of course, manufacturing inaccuracies and tooth deflections well cause slight deviations in velocity ratio; but acceptable tooth profiles are based on theoretical curves that meet this criterion.
The action of a pair of gear teeth satisfying this requirement is termed conjugate gear-tooth action, and is illustrated in Fig. 2.12. The basic law of conjugate gear-tooth action states that as the gears rotate, the common normal to the surfaces at the point of contact must always intersect the line of centers at the same point P called the pitch point.
The law of conjugate gear-tooth can be satisfied by various tooth shapes, but the only one of current importance is the involute, or, more precisely, the involute of the circle. (Its last important competitor was the cycloidal shape, used in the gears of Model T Ford transmissions.) An involute (of the circle) is the curve generated by any point on a taut thread as it unwinds from a circle, called the base circle. The generation of two involutes is shown in Fig. 2.13. The dotted lines show how these could correspond to the outer portion of the right sides of adjacent gear teeth. Correspondingly, involutes generated by unwinding a thread wrapped counterclockwise around the base circle would for the outer portions of the left sides of the teeth. Note that at every point, the involute is perpendicular to the taut thread, since the involute is a circular arc with everincreasing radius, and a radius is always perpendicular to its circular arc. It is important to note that an involute can be developed as far as desired outside the base circle, but an involute cannot exist inside its base circle.
Let us now develop a mating pair of involute gear teeth in three steps: friction drive, belt drive, and finally, involute gear-tooth drive. Figure 2.14 shows two pitch circles. Imagine that they represent two cylinders pressed together. If slippage does not occur, rotation of one cylinder (pitch circle) will cause rotation of the other at an angular velocity ratio inversely proportional to their diameters. In any pair of mating gears, the smaller of the two is called the pinion and the larger one the gear. (The term “gear” is used in a general sense to indicate either of the members, and also in a specific sense to indicate the larger of the two.) Using subscripts p and g to denote pinion and gear, respectively.
In order to transmit more torque than is possible with friction drive alone, we now add a belt drive running between pulleys representing the base circles, as in Fig 2.15. If the pinion is turned counterclockwise a few degrees, the belt will cause the gear to rotate in accordance with correct velocity ratio. In gear parlance, angle Φ is called the pressure angle. From similar triangles, the base circles have the same ratio as the pitch; thus, the velocity ratio provided by the friction and belt drives are the same.
In Fig. 2.16 the belt is cut at point c, and the two ends are used to generate involute profiles de and fg for the pinion and gear, respectively. It should now be clear why Φ is called the pressure angle: neglecting sliding friction, the force of one involute tooth pushing against the other is always at an angle equal to the pressure angle. A comparison of Fig. 2.16 and Fig.2.12 shows that the involute profiles do indeed satisfy the fundamental law of conjugate gear-tooth action. Incidentally, the involute is the only geometric profile satisfying this law that maintains a constant pressure angle as the gears rotate. Note especially that conjugate involute action can take place only outside of both base circles.
Nomenclature of spur gear
The nomenclature of spur gear (Fig .2.17) is mostly applicable to all other type of gears.
The diameter of each of the original ro