畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論 文)任 務(wù) 書
?6.有關(guān)年月日等日期的填寫,應(yīng)當按照國標GB/T 7408—94《數(shù)據(jù)元和交換格式、信息交換、日期和時間表示法》規(guī)定的要求,一律用阿拉伯數(shù)字書寫。如“2002年4月2日”或“2002-04-02”。
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論 文)任 務(wù) 書
? 5.撰寫設(shè)計說明書(論文)的能力。
1 設(shè)計從圓梳機上取下落棉的機械結(jié)構(gòu)
2 必要的力學計算
3 取落棉的機構(gòu)運動仿真
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論 文)任 務(wù) 書
[1]蔡一本. 提高絹紡圓梳梳折和精綿質(zhì)量的試驗研究[J]. 紡織學報,1988,08:5-8+3.
[2]潘???馬志友,馬步虎. 毛紡精梳機圓梳梳理效能的研究[J]. 毛紡科技,1999,05:50-51.
[3]姜宏. 絹紡制綿用頭道圓梳機生產(chǎn)Ⅱ號綿的工藝探討[J]. 絲綢,1999,01:35-37+5.
[4]唐劍鋒. 圓梳、精梳結(jié)合制綿工藝的實踐[J]. 絲綢,1999,04:23-25+3-4.
[5]李淑青. 改進制綿工藝提高梳綿制成率的實踐[J]. 江蘇絲綢,1997,05:5-6+14.
[6]周林松,曹建林. 圓梳機加壓滑輪的改進[J]. 絲綢,1997,07:61.
[7]盛承華. 提高絹紡圓梳機制成率[J]. 絲綢,1983,07:11-14.
[8]徐燕君. 南通市絹紡行業(yè)的現(xiàn)狀及振興對策[J]. 江蘇絲綢,2000,04:26-27+31.
[9]胡德仲,候俊英. 絹紡線上紡制短麻條的實踐[J]. 黑龍江紡織,2000,03:6-7.
[10]劉華平. 海安縣繭絲綢產(chǎn)業(yè)的現(xiàn)狀與思考(上)[J]. 江蘇絲綢,2012,02:26-35.
[11]吳紅玲,蔣少軍,丁麗文. 精梳機梳理化纖條圓梳針排的改裝[J]. 紡織器材,2006,S1:50-51.
[12]劉莉. 紡機創(chuàng)新實錄[J]. 中國纖檢,2011,14:82-83.
[13]王繼榮,曲麗君. 毛紡精梳機裝配式圓梳及頂梳梳理效果研究(英文)[J]. 青島大學學報(工程技術(shù)版),2002,03:33-36.
[14]王樹惠,徐春葉,李龍,韓惠民. 新型裝配式整體圓梳頂梳結(jié)構(gòu)及其梳理性能的研究[J]. 西北紡織工學院學報,1994,01:16-22.
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論 文)任 務(wù) 書
2015.12.13—2016.03.09? 畢業(yè)設(shè)計調(diào)研;開題報告;英文翻譯;
2016.03.10—2016.04.06?? 畢業(yè)設(shè)計查閱;收集資料;論文提綱;
2016.04.07—2016.05.04?? 畢業(yè)設(shè)計實驗方案程序設(shè)計與優(yōu)化;
2016.05.05—2016.05.11?? 畢業(yè)設(shè)計全套材料;
負責人: ??????????? ?2016? 年??? 1 ?月???18 ?日
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論 文)開 題 報 告
?年? ?月??日 ?
4.有關(guān)年月日等日期的填寫,應(yīng)當按照國標GB/T 7408—94《數(shù)據(jù)元和交換格式、信息交換、日期和時間表示法》規(guī)定的要求,一律用阿拉伯數(shù)字書寫。如“2004年4月26日”或“2004-04-26”。
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
一、前言圓梳機用于加工棉纖維和化學纖維,屬于紡織機械。按照紡紗工藝流程,梳棉是一道重要的工序。圓梳機的前道工序是開清棉聯(lián)合機,后道工序是并條機(普梳工藝流程)或條卷機(精梳工藝流程)。原棉或棉型化纖經(jīng)開清棉工序后制成的棉卷或棉層中,纖維多呈束、塊狀,且有不少雜質(zhì),還需要進行細致的梳理加工。梳理機的作用就是通過細致的梳理將束、塊狀纖維進一步分解成單纖維狀態(tài),清除雜質(zhì)和疵點,并制成一定規(guī)格的卷裝。因此,蓋板梳理機的任務(wù)是: ? 1、梳理:對束、塊狀纖維進行細致的梳理,使其分離成單纖維狀態(tài),并盡可能使纖維伸直平行; ? 2、除雜:進一步清除喂入半制品內(nèi)的雜質(zhì)、疵點和部分短纖維; ? 3、混和:在分離成單根纖維的前提下,對不同性狀和比例的纖維進行充分地混和,以便制成均勻的梳棉條; ? 4、成條:為便于下道工序加工、儲存和運輸,將纖維制成符合一定規(guī)格和質(zhì)量要求的棉條(俗稱生條),并有規(guī)律的圈放在條筒內(nèi)。梳理作用的實現(xiàn)主要是依靠針齒對纖維的作用。兩個對纖維有一定握持力且具較小隔距的針齒面作相對運動,纖維在其中受到兩個針齒面的共同作用,從而被扯松、梳理。我國用于梳棉技術(shù)裝備落后,勞動生產(chǎn)率低。我國絹紡生產(chǎn)技術(shù)裝備中,30年代、50年代的老設(shè)備占60 % 以上,原料精練、制綿基本上為手工操作,半機械化操作,勞動強度高,與國外先進水平相比差距很大。二、研究意義紡織業(yè)是我國國民經(jīng)濟傳統(tǒng)的支柱產(chǎn)業(yè)和重要的民生產(chǎn)業(yè),也是國際競爭優(yōu)勢明顯的產(chǎn)業(yè)。它在繁榮市場、擴大出口、吸納就業(yè)、增加農(nóng)民收入等方面都發(fā)揮著重要的作用。隨著中國加入WTO以來中國成為了全球紡織領(lǐng)域中最引人注目的地區(qū)之一,同時紡織業(yè)也成為中國入世后的強勢產(chǎn)業(yè)。我國經(jīng)過自身多年的努力發(fā)展,具備了世界上較完整的產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈、較高的加工配套水平、眾多發(fā)達的產(chǎn)業(yè)集群地和不斷增強的應(yīng)對市場風險的自我調(diào)節(jié)能力,給行業(yè)保持穩(wěn)健的發(fā)展步伐提供了堅實的保障。近年來,我國絹紡工業(yè)利用自身的技術(shù)優(yōu)勢,研究出絹紡低溫精練工藝,開發(fā)出絹紡自動精練控制系統(tǒng),通過改造研究出一套適合我國絹紡原料加工的制綿新工藝生產(chǎn)線,開發(fā)出絹紡單錫林梳綿機。許多絹紡廠引進了國外自調(diào)勻整高速針梳機,氣接自動絡(luò)筒機,有捻并絲機和倍捻機等先進設(shè)備,大大地提高了產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,增強了我國絹紡加工手段,為我國絹紡工業(yè)參與國際競爭提供了可靠的技術(shù)保證。由此可見,推進技術(shù)進步,加快技術(shù)改造對我國絹紡機械來說是必不可少的!三、研究現(xiàn)狀從20世紀后期,高產(chǎn)梳棉機逐步發(fā)展發(fā)展起來。其在梳理技術(shù)、自動監(jiān)控技術(shù)、在線檢測技術(shù)、負壓吸塵技術(shù)以及安全生產(chǎn)技術(shù)方面都得到了很大的發(fā)展;不僅轉(zhuǎn)速日益增高,產(chǎn)量也一增再增,尤其是產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量有了明顯的進步,生條結(jié)雜少,重量不勻率降低,為紡好紗織好布奠定了堅實的基礎(chǔ)[}os}。新型高產(chǎn)梳棉機主要具有以下技術(shù)特征: (1>提高錫林機構(gòu)的轉(zhuǎn)速。 (2)增加了在線調(diào)整蓋板一錫林機構(gòu)的隔距及在線磨針技術(shù)。 (3)設(shè)置在線監(jiān)測棉結(jié)、自調(diào)勻整、檢測各部件的運轉(zhuǎn)速度及產(chǎn)量等數(shù)據(jù)的裝置,并及時進行屏幕顯示。 (4)應(yīng)用喂入部分的三刺輥技術(shù),增加了錫林機構(gòu)開松、除雜的效果和減輕了主梳理區(qū)的除雜負擔,為錫林機構(gòu)的增速創(chuàng)造了條件。 (5)應(yīng)用變頻或伺服控制技術(shù),使主要回轉(zhuǎn)部件利用電子技術(shù)來控制相互的速比。 (6)改善安全防護措施,如:高速回轉(zhuǎn)的錫林機構(gòu)重為1.5t,在60s內(nèi)可剎車停止運行。在梳棉機上在安全門罩上裝有電子鎖,只有當機器停穩(wěn)后才能打開電子鎖。 (7)增加錫林機構(gòu)的幅寬??傊F(xiàn)代化梳棉機與過去傳統(tǒng)梳棉機相比,速度更快,梳理效果更好,生條質(zhì)量更優(yōu)。新型的梳棉技術(shù),給梳棉機行業(yè)注入了新的血液,給紡織工業(yè)帶來了新的動力。 21世紀,實現(xiàn)梳棉機的高產(chǎn)、優(yōu)質(zhì)成為國內(nèi)外紡機制造廠的重點研究對象。目前國內(nèi)、外紡織行業(yè)普遍采用模塊化、人性化設(shè)計以及抬高錫林機構(gòu),加寬機幅和增加梳理面積等新技術(shù)來實現(xiàn)梳棉機的高產(chǎn)、優(yōu)質(zhì)。四、研究內(nèi)容本課題來自南通海安縣富有絹紡織有限公司,該設(shè)計課題是實現(xiàn)圓梳機中滾筒取落綿的自動化,即設(shè)計從圓梳機上取下落棉的機械結(jié)構(gòu),并進行必要的力學計算。具體如下: 1)查閱有關(guān)資料,學習有關(guān)圓梳機的知識 2)熟悉圓梳機的任務(wù)和工藝流程; 3)圓梳機的主要結(jié)構(gòu)和主要作用; 4)設(shè)計取代人工操作的機械結(jié)構(gòu); 5)出圖,用SolidWorks等軟件進行實體造型; 6)對實體進行分析,并做必要的力學計算;參考文獻: [1]蔡一本.?提高絹紡圓梳梳折和精綿質(zhì)量的試驗研究[J].?紡織學報,1988,08:5-8+3. [2]潘福奎,馬志友,馬步虎.?毛紡精梳機圓梳梳理效能的研究[J].?毛紡科技,1999,05:50-51. [3]姜宏.?絹紡制綿用頭道圓梳機生產(chǎn)Ⅱ號綿的工藝探討[J].?絲綢,1999,01:35-37+5. [4]唐劍鋒.?圓梳、精梳結(jié)合制綿工藝的實踐[J].?絲綢,1999,04:23-25+3-4. [5]李淑青.?改進制綿工藝提高梳綿制成率的實踐[J].?江蘇絲綢,1997,05:5-6+14. [6]周林松,曹建林.?圓梳機加壓滑輪的改進[J].?絲綢,1997,07:61. [7]盛承華.?提高絹紡圓梳機制成率[J].?絲綢,1983,07:11-14. [8]徐燕君.?南通市絹紡行業(yè)的現(xiàn)狀及振興對策[J].?江蘇絲綢,2000,04:26-27+31. [9]胡德仲,候俊英.?絹紡線上紡制短麻條的實踐[J].?黑龍江紡織,2000,03:6-7. [10]劉華平.?海安縣繭絲綢產(chǎn)業(yè)的現(xiàn)狀與思考(上)[J].?江蘇絲綢,2012,02:26-35. [11]吳紅玲,蔣少軍,丁麗文.?精梳機梳理化纖條圓梳針排的改裝[J].?紡織器材,2006,S1:50-51. [12]劉莉.?紡機創(chuàng)新實錄[J].?中國纖檢,2011,14:82-83. [13]王繼榮,曲麗君.?毛紡精梳機裝配式圓梳及頂梳梳理效果研究(英文)[J].?青島大學學報(工程技術(shù)版),2002,03:33-36. [14]王樹惠,徐春葉,李龍,韓惠民.?新型裝配式整體圓梳頂梳結(jié)構(gòu)及其梳理性能的研究[J].?西北紡織工學院學報,1994,01:16-22. [15]絹紡學,中國紡織大學 絹紡教研室,1986.12.
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1. 本課題要研究或解決的問題本課題是針對圓梳機的自動化的研究。由于現(xiàn)有的圓梳機生產(chǎn)效率低下,并且很多地方需要人工手動操作,因此關(guān)于圓梳機自動化的研究勢在必行!本課題的目的就是設(shè)計出圓梳機中自動取落綿的機械裝置。 2. 研究方法、途徑和步驟(1)研究方法和途徑 1)查閱資料,翻譯英文資料認真研究獲得的有關(guān)絹紡機械和與圓梳機有關(guān)的專著、學術(shù)期刊和學位論文,從中間獲取當代圓梳機相關(guān)設(shè)計的前沿資料和先進技術(shù),并且借鑒其機械設(shè)計方法,用于自己的設(shè)計當中;對于英文文獻資料應(yīng)該對其進行翻譯,結(jié)合課題,對其進行利用。 2)熟練掌握設(shè)計所需的內(nèi)容復習以前所學設(shè)計有關(guān)的專業(yè)知識,并熟練的運用到設(shè)計中去。還要學習一些設(shè)計中所用到的其它方面的知識,如:利用AutoCAD進行二維圖的繪制和利用SolidWorks等軟件進行實體造型以及力學性能相關(guān)特性的了解等。(2)設(shè)計步驟 1)查閱有關(guān)資料,學習有關(guān)圓梳機的知識 2)熟悉圓梳機的任務(wù)和工藝流程; 3)圓梳機的主要結(jié)構(gòu)和主要作用; 4)設(shè)計取代人工操作的機械結(jié)構(gòu); 5)出圖,用SolidWorks等軟件進行實體造型; 6)對實體進行分析,并做必要的力學計算;
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
3.是否同意開題:√ 同意 □ 不同意
???????????????????????????????????? ??指導教師:??????????????
???????????????????????????????????????? 2016 年?? 03 月?? 09 日
???????????????????????????????????????? 負責人:??????????????
?????????????????????????????????????????? 2016 年??? 03 月?? 09 日
Development of spinning and weaving machinery
Spinning and weaving machinery is to be that textile industry produces the industry that construction serves, equipment basis that our country textile industry develops, from building up a country beginning to keep a foothold in domestic principle definitely, our country cotton spinning equipment all quantity exceeds 40 million ingots at present , loom all quantity exceeds 1 million , own amounts occupy the 1st world without exception , provide among them above 90% from in the homeland proper motion fabrication. Our country spinning and weaving mechanical industry by efforts made for more than 40 years, already can self have produced cotton spinning , wool spinning , bast fibre spinning , silk 15 industry more than 1,700 breed complete sets of equipment such as thin tough silk , instrument , equipment and material weaving , dyeing the round number , chemical fiber , spinning and weaving machinery and spinning and weaving special use knitting , must weave cloth , uniforms , etc., have formed certain ability scale and have created system. Our country spinning and weaving machinery and advanced international level are compared with each other , still are have bigger gap but from talking as a whole,breed , mass and equipment level in complete set, cannot keep abreast with the new circumstances that our country textile industry develops over, the efficiency showing concretely in low level equipment is odd , high tone equipment efficiency is insufficient or can not give birth to a child , need to improve rise.
spinning and weaving machinery is the special use machinery that spinning and weaving fibre processes , the finished product fibre of all kinds is produced from the material handling, to manufacturing spinning and weaving selling in marketplace has the respective treating characteristic and processes system, have the process flow is long , the technology is complicated , the machinery equipment complete set is strong, under longtime continuous duty condition, be ensure that spinning and weaving product quality , equipment must have high reliability , stability and compatibility. (1) process flow is long , the technology is complicated , the equipment complete set is strong. Spinning and weaving product treating handicraft basal principle is that fibre raw material is entered homogeneously hey , carry out an opening , comb able strip , blend drawing out , the roving except miscellaneous , blending,spinning become yarn; Again, yarn is tempered with fire by that spooling, arranging , the sizing , denting , the cloth weaving or knitting Cheng, will spread classics then bleaching , is arranges manufacture a clothing from plus material , lining and other different use of treating behind dyeing or the revenue stamp. Except that the front and back says that the complete set producing a lead plane's demands, need to forming a complete set having a series of auxiliary engine and detecting instrument, if entire technological process ventilation , dust absorption, filter dust , doff equipment etc. Be made a spinning and weaving factory can throw into giving birth to a child, regular , stable by be made a spinning and weaving factory can throw into giving birth to a child regular , stable, technological requirements. Key component and part and the end document are many , batches are big since the spinning and weaving machinery breed in complete set is many,organization gives birth to a child in complete set impossibly in one, two enterprise. Therefore spinning and weaving mechanical industry establishes the exploitation taking complete sets of equipment seriously now and then not only in beginning, the accessory carries out division of labour on the basis of specialization according to becoming platform machinery , end , adopts the principle organization in complete set who cooperates within the whole nation range giving birth to a child. Meanwhile, have taken spinning and weaving machinery normalizing seriously , be applied or used universally-rization preparing the system being seriated and taking form, the whole nation supporting job are playing drive and promote role to realizing division of labour based on specialization. (2) reliability , stabilities , compatibility demand height. That textile industry produces one of characteristic is common adopt Class Three continuous duty way , part chemical fiber equipment demand annual continuous duty 8000 hs blocks of wood be interrupted day and night. Spinning and weaving machinery must reliable , stabilize under long range continuous duty condition. The fault-free rates being machinery ask height , the travel to need to stabilize. Take dyeing machinery as example , must have higher technological parameter stabilities such as speed , pressure , the temperature , liquid stream, to prevent from chromatic aberration , defects such as fading or dyeing not dividing evenly appearing on finished product under same batch of grey cloth and dyestuff condition. At present still, iron casting occupies bigger specific gravity (spinning machine , amounts to 40% ~ like the loom in spinning and weaving machinery parts 60%), be wall like casting slightly, the form is complicated , require that outside is bright and clean, stop being stained with fibre and easy to clean. Creating technological level is to swear to rectify platform the machinery stability and compatibility premise , modern spinning and weaving machinery is going to work by complete machine assembling and machinery, mass verifying whose being able to conform to "three nature " requests , to swear to leave the factory thereby or not machinery. (3)Prevention and cure demands industrial hygienes and the three wastes highly. May produce dust and flying (the linter hemp waits for a staple), if not handling in general in textile industry procedure of production, meeting contaminate a production environment gravely, damage operation personnel good health , affect product quality, be in the cards dust happened burning exploding even the accident, brings about person casualties and property loss. (A) the following , effort reduce the noise producing workshop's population. The meeting produces the industrial sewage , waste liquid , brings about environmental pollution in chemical fiber and printing and dyeing procedure of production, require that spinning and weaving machinery achieves stopping discharging , many reclaim make use of.
With the development of textile industry, begin from the seventies, the textile goods faces an international from general product high grade , top grade , the high value-added products direction develop , drive various high grade thereby, high-effect, automation degree is high , little servant new model spinning and weaving machinery research and development , further, promotes and accelerates spinning and weaving machinery technological progress. Currently respectively big kind spinning and weaving machinery developing trend cardinal principle as follows. (1) spinning machinery continues to high grade , high yield , the high-effect sum melts in a row , automation direction develops. Adopt to wrap up the thin grasping grasping , blending homogeneously , combing gradually open pine , many stop since foreign substance is caducous, few wound fibre , blowing-carding machine much if cotton spinning machinery is common, the entire proceeding adopt a computer monitor, supervisory control, combs cottton from homogenizing the entire device deploying compound style to swear to grow degree of homogeneity. The industrialized country is that the reason is labor-intensive over the past few years, realize the industry spinning change to technology-intensive direction, the spinning machinery continuation melt, have automated to get prompt rise , have turned on the blowing-carding machine and the spun yarn spooling combined machine if the automation opens a bale of cotton and grasps cotton in a row, have combed cottton , have already have realized nobody's working procedure room transport cart between combing , drawing out , low count yarn and spun yarn or have said that the working procedure automation has transported system , the first step has satisfied need of unmanned or few person spinning workshop under hanging a device delivering the semi-finished product to. New model spinning machinery such as besides, rotating the cup spinning machine , the spinning machine of equal rank , rubbing the spinning machine and the jet spinning machine is be expanding by leaps and bounds in the late years , day by day mature.
(2) weaving machinery is had because of the shuttleless loom entering rates latitude height , high grade, high-effect, breed adaptability is broad , noise waits for merit low, already become the main model that all the countries in the world adopts. Besides, computer-aid lines weaves design , many arms of electron and electron jacquard weave device application and dissemination are also to weave the developing trend that the technology modernizes. Knit machinery with the development of knitted fabric , have very big rise in recent years in the field of function , speed and integration of machinery with electronics level, the type controlling the fabric flower adopt PC already commonly. (3)That dyes entire machinery developing trend is to strengthen the realization acquiring entire technological conditions on extensive use electron technology basis , reinforce online detecting in entire procedure of production, autocontrol produces technological conditions further , develop to high grade , high-effect , multifunctional , small bath ratio , energy conservation and decrease social effect of pollution direction. Arranging machinery is that bringing a chemistry into play arranging prepares the characteristic that machinery arranges , is to be superseded mutually , to add to arrange a function sometimes mainly , is to improve the fabric grade , to improve fabric wearability and to satisfy the functional peculiar request , improves the fabric additional value further. (4)Development of chemical fibre is the high value-added products developing the new breed , height mass , multifunctional , simulated sum. That diamars machinery developing trend is to continue developing to high speed , high-effect , high-capacity , short technological process , automation direction in chemical fibre machinery, makes fibre produce the reach the dependable crop , high yield , little person operation , easy to shift a product breed. Machinery prepares a viscose to continuation , automation , high speed , high-capacity , energy conservation stopping contaminating direction developing. Our country chemical fiber machinery is to improve engineering level , needs developing combining with our national condition priority: 1) develops big efficiency acrylic complete sets of equipment. While being completed doing law acrylic complete sets of equipment, wet process acrylic spinning complete sets of equipment developing two footwork further; 2) develops fibre and tiny fibre producing polyester difference-rization , surpasses thin fibrous complete sets of equipment and annual output of 30,000 t ability polyester complete sets of equipment; 3) 6 polymerization developing annual efficiency 5000 ts polyamide fibre , spinning complete sets of equipment; 4) develops the newmodel brocade , polyester industry uses silk complete sets of equipment; The year handles 5) exploitation in the efficiency 20,000 ts viscoses staple front preparing the spinning production line and new model viscose filament yarn equipment. Accelerate enterprise oneself changes its technology , apply the modern fabrication technology and process equipment, have modern enterprise office procedure in hand , can need according to the marketplace, the product making great efforts to develop new spinning and weaving machinery, provides level height in time according with our national condition spinning and weaving machinery , the modernization being our country textile industry better serves.