最新國家開放高校電大《理工英語 3 》形考任務(wù) 3-4 試題及答案 形考任務(wù) 3 一、 聽力理解:請聽下面的對話,依據(jù)對話內(nèi)容進(jìn)行推斷,正確為 "T, 錯誤為 "F 。
1. The Belgian city of Ghent has declared Mondays meat-free days. F 2. The livestock sector has become one of the top two or three most significant contributo
2、rs to the most serious environmental problems. T 3. The author is a complete vegetarian. F 4. According to the passage, people who eat less meat will be easily sick. F 5. There aren , t many vegetarian dishes in the restaurant mentioned in the passage. F 二、 聽力理解:請聽下面的對話,依據(jù)對話內(nèi)容進(jìn)行推斷,正確為 "T, 錯誤為 "F 。
1. Milk cartons are unburnable trash. F 2. Everyday Henry can leave his rubbish outside as he wishes. F 3. Plastics would harm the environment if you were to burn them. T 4. You can leave batteries and clothes once every week. 1 ;
5. Henry can just leave all his rubbish outside his apartmen
4、t without putting them into a bag. F 形考任務(wù) 4 二、理解:下面的短文,依據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進(jìn)行推斷,正確為 "T, 錯誤為 "F 。
The fridge is considered necessary. It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food list appeared with the label: Store in the refrigerator. In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, 1 was fed well and healthy. The m
5、ilkman came every day, the grocer, the butcher (肉商), the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times each week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus (剩余的)
bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thi
6、rty years on food deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country. The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. Many well-tried techniques already existed -一 natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling
What refrigeration did promote was marketing
marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the world in search of a good price. Consequently, most of the world , s fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they
8、might prove useful, but in the rich countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated house 一- while outside, nat
9、ure provides the desired temperature free of charge. The fridge"s effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been not important. 1. The statement 〃In my fridgeless fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. z/
suggests that the author was w
10、ell-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his fifties. 2. The author says that nothing was wasted before the invention of fridges because people had effective ways to preserve food. 3. Consumers benefited the most from fridges according to the author? 4. What refrigeration did promote was food-pr
11、eserving. 5. The author is critical to fridges. 答案:
F T F F T 二、聽力理解:請聽下面的對話,依據(jù)對話內(nèi)容進(jìn)行推斷,正確為 "T, 錯誤為 "F 。
1. They are talking about a camera. F 2. You can find a mobile phone in any of latest MP4. F 3. The new cell phone is just like a pad. T 4. Digital devices are becoming bigger and harder to carry. F 5. The cell phone generally has memories of over 512 MB. T
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