Book 1 Module 1 1. 他被人問及對極限運動的看法。 He was asked about his attitude towards/to doing extreme sports. 2. 琳達的行為方式一點也不像個新來的人。 Linda’s behavior is nothing like that of a newcomer. 3. 學習遠不止閱讀和背誦課本。 Learning is much more than just reading and memorizing texts. 4. 我可以和你一樣很好地完成那個任務。 I can complete the tasks as well as you do. 5. 這些座位是給那些老弱病殘孕準備的。 These seats are for seniors, children, pregnant women, the sick and the disabled. 6. 他想?yún)⒓铀械恼n外活動,但是時間不允許。 He would like to take part in all the after-school activities, but the time doesn’t permit. 7. 我認為你晚上最好不要獨自去公園。 I think you had better not go to the park by yourself at night. 8. 換句話說,學英語不僅僅意味著記單詞。 In other words, learning English means more than remembering words. 9. 這條河的長度是那條的5倍。 This river is 5 times as long as that one. 10. 我覺得英雄這部電影很有意思。 I think the film Hero very interesting. 11. 你去年上高中,我弟弟也是。 You were in High school last year, and so was my brother. 12. 孩子們正盼望著暑假,到那時他們就可以好好玩了。 The children are looking forward to the summer holiday when they will have a good time. 13. 老師通常讓我們在剛上課時背誦課文。 Usually the teacher tells us to recite the text at the start of the class. 14. 在我們學校,每個年級被分成18個班。 In our school, each grade is divided into 18 classes. Module 2 1. 他昨晚睡得那么晚以至于今天一天都昏昏沉沉的。 He went to bed so late last night that he has been sleepy all day long. 2. 他把窗戶開的很大,以便房間里的空氣可以流通。 He opens the window wide so that the air can flow through the room. 3. 為了避免出錯,瑪麗做作業(yè)時非常認真。 Mary did her homework very carefully to avoid making mistakes. 4. 我痛恨睡覺時候被打擾。 I hate being disturbed while I am sleeping. 5. 我寧可自己做這些活也不要賽姆幫忙。 I would rather do the work myself than have Sam help me. 6. 如果你問我的想法,我會告訴你我更喜歡讀英文小說。 If you ask me about my idea, I will tell you that I would prefer to read English novels. 7. 這家酒店食物很好,服務也不錯。 This hotel’s food is great and the same is true of the service. 8. 經理讓梅做很多事情,不管那是不是她的工作。 The manager has May do many things, whether they are actually part of her job or not. Module 3 1. 湯姆的老師聲音真好聽啊! What a nice voice Tom’s teacher has! 2. 我家就在你家旁邊,離學校只有幾分鐘的步行路程。 My home is right next to yours, only a few minute’s walk away from school. 3. 小約翰昨天打碎的那個花瓶是我最喜愛的花瓶。 The vase broken by little John yesterday was my favorite. 4. 昨天他給我們講了一個故事,那個故事顯然就是一個謊言。 He told us a story yesterday which was obviously a lie. 5. 麻煩你帶我去機場好嗎? Would you mind taking me to the airport? 6. 我很抱歉,但是我們今天真的沒有空房間了。 I’m very sorry but we really have no vacant rooms today. 7. 事實就是我們沒有足夠多的人來做這份工作。 The fact is that we don’t have enough people to do the work. 8. 那只會跳舞的小狗難道不是很有趣嗎? Isn’t the little dog that can dance funny? Module 1-3 1. 這個公司的員工分為兩組。其中一組上白班,一組上夜班。 The employees in this company are divided into two groups. One group takes the day shift, while the other takes the night shift. 2. 留言的傳播速度幾乎有光速那么快。 Rumor spreads as fast as light. 3. 我們在家人身邊總是會感覺比較放松。 We always feel relaxed with our family members around us. 4. 喬最喜歡的球隊輸了,他很失望。 Joe’s favorite team lost the game, and he was very disappointed. 5. 我討厭在工作忙的時候被別人打擾。 I hate being disturbed while I am busy with my work. Module 4 1. 他做這份工作已經有兩年多了,所以現(xiàn)在他對這份工作已經很熟悉了。 It has been over two years since he got the job, so he is quite familiar with it now. 2. 湯姆能得到那份令人羨慕的工作實在是太幸運了。 Tom is very fortunate getting the job that many people want. 3. 假期前買火車票會很難。 It can be quite difficult to buy train tickets just before a holiday. 4. 我還清楚地記得上次和你見面的那一天。 I still remember clearly the day when I saw you last time. 5. 年輕人會享受生活,但是他們享受生活的方式和老年人是不一樣的。 Young people are able to enjoy their lives, but not in the way that seniors enjoy their lives. 6. 我弄不明白他把課本都鎖在保險箱里的原因。 I can’t understand his reason for locking all his books in a safe. Module 5 1. 露西把她的新房間布置得和以前那個房間一模一樣。 Lucy arranged her new room the same as the old one. 2. 我的包比姐姐的重兩倍,因為我包里多放了幾本書。 My bag is twice heavier than my older sister’s, because I have several more books in it. 3. 今年的工作量差不多是去年的兩倍。 The workload for this year is almost twice as much as that for last year. 4. 如果你要養(yǎng)貓,了解貓的一些習性是很重要的。 If you want to raise a cat, it is important to know something about its habits. 5. 我曾經在中國的南方住過一段時間,那里風光十分秀麗。 I used to live in South China for a while. The scenery is very beautiful tree. 6. 這學期我們一周上三節(jié)英語課。 We have English classes three times a week this term. 7. 他被困在山里兩天了。事實上,他已經完全迷失了方向。 He has been trapped in the mountains for two days. The fact is, he has lost his sense of direction completely. 8. 如果說太陽本來發(fā)出來的是白光的話,為什么它有時候看起來是黃色的? If the Sun is supposed to be producing white light, why does it appear to be yellow sometimes? Module 6 1. 網絡使人們“足不出戶而知天下事”成為了可能。 The Internet made it possible for people to know about the world without actually going out of their homes. 2. 電影是一種讓人們放松的方式。 Movies offer a way for people to relax. 3. 性格測試只是幫助人們更好地認識自我的方式。 A personality test is just a way that helps people understand themselves better. 4. 大家都愁眉不展的時候,琳達忽然有了一個好主意。 Linda came up with a good idea when everybody was feeling depressed. 5. 喬認為這個公司會是個讓他學以致用的好地方。 Joe thought that the company could be a good place for him to put what he learned into practice. 6. 他沉默了半天,還是沒有想到今天曠課的理由。 He was silent for a long time, but still couldn’t come up with any reason for being absent form class that day. 7. 你如果專心做的話,應該早就做完作業(yè)了。 You could have finished your homework already if you have done it attentively. 8. 你媽媽對留長發(fā)的男孩子是什么態(tài)度? What is the attitude of your mother to boys having long hair? Module 4-6 1. 大約有百分之三十五的家長想要在條件允許的情況下送孩子出國留學。 About thirty-five percent of parents want to send their children to study abroad if conditions permit. 2. 和黑色相比,紅色會顯得更有活力和朝氣。 Compared with black, red appears to be more active and energetic. 3. 如果你們來了的話,聚會就會更有意思了。 It would have been more interesting if you had come to the party. 4. 如果你們能夠保持好平衡,你就能騎好自行車。 You can ride a bike well if you can keep your balance. 5. 迪克今年過生日得到的禮物比去年多好幾倍。 Dick got several times more presents for his birthday this year than he did last year. Module 1-6 1. 問題是,我們和他失去了聯(lián)系。 The problem is that we are out of contact with him. 2. 北京有時候容易刮風,特別在春季。 It can be quite windy in Beijing, especially in spring. 3. 在過去的十年里,她出版了多達16本小說。 In the last decade, she has published as many as 16 novels. 4. 他為了要把家里弄得整整齊齊忙個不停。 He was as busy as a bee in order to put the house in order. 5. 所有兒童,無論男女,都應該享有受教育的權利。 All children, no matter boys or girls, should have access to education. Book 2 Module 1 1. 伊恩知道很多關于校園的笑話。 Ian knows many jokes connected with the campus. 2. 我剛剛看見喬治急匆匆地往圖書館去了。 I saw George heading towards the library in a hurry just now. 3. 我今晚要去探望尤里,他生病了。 I am going to visit Yuli tonight; he is ill. 4. 他酷愛電腦游戲,甚至還自己親自設計了一款游戲。 He is crazy about computer games; he even designed a computer game himself. 5. 上課認真聽講,否則你會被同學們甩在后面的。 Listen to your teacher carefully in class, or you’ll be left behind by your classmates. 6. 如果你發(fā)燒超過39度,一定要去看醫(yī)生。 You must go to see the doctor if you get a temperature over 39℃. 7. 與其和那么討厭的人一起吃晚餐,我寧可餓肚子。 I would rather starve myself than eat with such a disgusting person. 8. 除了要照顧好這個小嬰兒之外,你不需要擔心任何事。 Apart from taking care of the baby, you don’t need to worry about anything. Module 2 1. 有很多車禍都和醉酒駕駛有關,所以請司機們開車的時候不要喝酒。 There are many car accidents related to drunk driving, so, drivers, please don’t drink and drive 2. 在玩電腦游戲成癮之前我曾經是個好學生。 I used to be a good student before I became addicted to computer games. 3. 為了給孩子們做早飯,艾拉每天早上六點鐘就起床了。 Ella gets up at six every day to cook breakfast for her children. 4. 為了不將家人置于危險之中,那位醉酒的男士打車帶他們回了家。 The drunken man took a taxi to take his family home instead of driving them so as not to put them in danger. 5. 由于刻苦努力,勞拉在她三十幾歲的時候就獲得了諾貝爾獎。 Laura won her Nobel Prize in her 30s as a result of her hard work. 6. 這本書太有趣了,以至于我一讀就停不下來。 The book was so interesting that I couldn’t stop once I started reading it. 7. 上次你撞壞了我的車。不管你說什么,我都不會再把車借給你了。 You crashed my car last time. I won’t lend it to you again whatever you say. 8. 人們應該學著逐漸認識自己。 People should learn to recognize themselves gradually. Module 3 1. 當了多年的老師之后,格林先生對中學教育非常熟悉。 Having been a teacher for many years, Mr. Green is very familiar with middle school education. 2. 隨著年齡的增長,我們開始慢慢了解人生和世界。 As we grow older, we begin to understand more and more about life and the world. 3. 菲利普還在上小學的時候就對數(shù)學表現(xiàn)出了極大的興趣。 Philips showed great interest in math while he was still in primary school. 4. 再開那場音樂會之前,披頭士樂隊就已經很出名了。 The Beatles had already become famous before they gave the concert. 5. 自從第一次看見這只叫做“幸運”的小貓起,羅伊就非常喜歡它。 From the first time Roy saw the kitten Lucky, he has been very fond of it. Module 1-3 1. 我不想喝可口可樂,我比較喜歡喝蘋果汁。 I don’t want Coca Cola, while I prefer to have some apple juice. 2. 杰克非常癡迷于足球,他一說足球就停不下來。 Jack is very crazy about football; he cannot stop once he starts talking about it. 3. 要準點吃飯,否則你的胃會受苦的。 You should have your meals at fixed times, or your stomach will suffer. 4. 很長時間以來我們一直給彼此寫信,但是直到最近才第一次見了面。 We have been writing to each other for a long time, but it was not until recently that we had met for the first time. 5. 由于吸毒成癮,亞當只好偷東西賣錢買毒品。 Being addicted to drugs, Adam had to steal things and sell them to buy drugs.- 配套講稿:
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- 外研社高一 英語 翻譯 練習