題目: 同向旋轉型雙螺桿擠壓機及擠壓部件設計
信機 系 機械工程及自動化專業(yè)
學 號: 0923081
學生姓名: 陳 玉
指導教師: 戴寧(職稱:副教授 )
(職稱: )
目 錄
題目: 同向旋轉型雙螺桿擠壓機及擠壓部件設計
信機 系 機械工程及自動化 專業(yè)
學 號: 0923081
學生姓名: 陳 玉
指導教師: 戴寧 (職稱:副教授)
(職稱: )
年 月 日
年 月 日
年 月 日
Mixing effects of constituting elements of mixing screws in single andtwin screw extruders
D.J. van Zuilichem, E. Kuiper, W. Stolp, T. Jager
Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Sciences, Wageningen Agricultural Uniíersity, Food and Bioprocess Engineering Group, P.O. Box 8129,
Bomenweg 2, 6700 EV Wageningen, Netherlands
Received 21 April 1998; accepted 29 March 1999
In extrusion, mixing of solids and melts has always been problematic, leading to diverse models describing the melting process. It isfound that for foods based on cereals, only a few are valid, due to the simultaneous presence of water and high viscous non-Newtonian material. Mixing trials are summarised for single and twin screw extruders, with particulate solids of different particle sizes like, maizegrits, wheat flour, sucrose crystals and glucose syrup. Special mixing-heads for single screw extruders like, pineapple-heads, and slottedflight sections for counter-rotating twin screw extruders are investigated. The effects of screw geometry on mixing has been measured using co-rotating twin screw extruder modular elements like: single lead elements, mixing paddles and reversed pitch elements in a translucent model extruder by means of a study of flow phenomena and residence time distribution RTD measurements. Mixing effects are reported and their influences on viscous dissipation, residence time, curve spread and stagnancy are explained. 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Single screw extruders; Twin screw extruders; Mixing
1. Introduction
Part of the definition of food extrusion cooking is thatthe food material on its way through the open channel of a single screw extruder s.s.e. , is sheared, mixed and com-pressed. In the case of a twin screw extruder t.s.e. With closely intermeshing screws, the food is transported in so-called C-shaped chambers, which are enclosed by the neighbouring intermeshing screw and the barrel wall see Fig. 1 .The food powder is taken up at the feed port in the C-shaped chamber of one screw, is conveyed, internally mixed, forced through the gaps and clearances of this screw or eventually transferred to the neighbouring screw and finally this C-shaped chamber delivers its content at wx the die 13,23 . The differences in the way of operation between s.s.e.’s and t.s.e.’s are obvious and each of them will ask for its own design of modular screw parts that will enhance and improve the mixing effects of the screws wx 14,17 .Mixing operations in cooking extruders can be distin-guished in three different types: the first one is coarse mixing or longitudinalraxial mixing. The second one is dispersive mixing or comminution of the disperse phase.The third one is distributive mixing or radial mixing. The operative mechanism to realise coarse mixing is the rota-tional movement of the screws, causing residence time distribution RTD . In case of plug flow however, there will be no coarse mixing. These different mechanisms are responsible for the mixing effects. For dispersive mixing the function of the comminution is to break agglomerates
of the disperse phase into smaller ones. The operative mechanism is the existence of elongational forces andror shear stresses. Distributive mixing is caused by the action of a screw element, distributing the concentration of the disperse phase over the total volume of the chamber or channel of the extruder cross-section in such a way that the concentration of the disperse phase in each volumetric element equals the averaged concentration. This require- ment is stricter when the elementary volume to be consid-ered is smaller. Although totally different, the three mech-anisms described are not independent of each other. The anisms described are not independent of each other. The three types of mixing should therefore be carefully distinguished. It is possible to design screws with mixing elements on different locations, provoking a certain combination of the three mixing types at a certain axial location.The possibilities of these combinations are strongly dependent of extruder geometry, properties of food materials and properties under extrusion conditions. Although a lot of knowledge is gathered concerning the use of well-known mixing elements from the plasticating industry, incorporation of this knowledge into designs of s.s.e.’s and t.s.e.’s are not always successful for food products and other biopolymers. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. The first disturbing factor when comparing plastic polymers with biopolymers is the difference in feed to the extruder, e.g., the presence of multiple solids, water and eventually vegetable oil in the case of biopolymers.Secondly, biopolymers do not have a well-defined melt-index like many chemical polymers and in general theirviscosity behaviour differs from that of chemical polymers wx 1 . Thirdly, there are a number of degradation reactions of irreversible nature occurring simultaneously when a biopolymer is subjected to a temperature and stress field in an extruder, changing the physical and chemical properties wx drastically from location to location 15 . In this field numerous papers have been published by well-known au-
thors from research institutions like CAFTrRutgers university, IFR Norwich, INRA, CEMEF France. The aim of this article is summarising the possibilities and solutions for mixing problems for single screw and counter-rotating twin screw extruders and giving better insight in the functions of screw elements in co-rotating twin screw extruders.
2. Mixing mechanisms
2.1. Longitudinal or axial mixing
When food particles during their lifetime in an extruder are subjected to axial mixing, this can be seen and measured by a changing RTD. Extremes in this case are plug flow, where all particles have the same residence time, or a wide RTD which is caused by axial mixing. Some particles will stay in the extruder cooker for a process time shorter than the average, whilst others will dwell for much longer than the average when different flow systems are compiled see Fig. 2 . Fig. 3 shows the theoretical RTD for a material with a coefficient ns1 in the power-law equation for the shear dependency of the viscosity in an s.s.e.This figure also shows the RTD data, measured when
processing corn grits in a Battenfeld s.s.e. at two moisture y1 . contents v s0.142, 0.20 kg kg and screw revolu- w y1 wx tions ranging from Ns1.33, 1.66, 2.0 rev s 22 . The RTD data are represented as an ‘cumulative exit age’ or F-function, which shows the fraction F of the inflow,
wx which has left the extruder after t seconds 3,4,16 . The E-function, the derivative of the F-function, shows the so-called ‘exit age’ distribution of food particles, fed into the extruder at an infinite small time and is related to the F-function with: t Ft s Et dt 1 H 0 The average residence time t of the food material in the cooking extruder is calculated with: ts tE t dt .2 H When the F-function in Fig. 3 is observed, it follows that most of the corn grits have an exit age between t and t , 0 whereas t (3r4t . These measurements show that for a 0 single screw extruder there is a strong influence of the moisture content and the number of revolutions of the screw on the shape of the F-function and the breakthrough wx point 3 .The operating principle of twin screw extruders can be described with the existence of two parallel series of Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors CSTR , where each wx C-shaped chamber represents such a CSTR 13 . In Fig. 4,
a schematic is given of this principle and the leakage-gaps and -flows between the chambers and between the series CSTR’s are indicated. The leakage flows through the calendar-, side-, flight- and tetrahedron-gaps Q , Q , Q , csf. Q , res. and forced conveying of the chambers results in a t wx nett positive mass flow from feed port to the die 13,17 .This approach was the basis of a series of publications of the Wageningen research group on the RTD of extrusion wx cooking, which is described below 8–12,24–26,28 . The RTD’s of t.s.e.’s are more asymmetric compared to a
cascade of CSTR’s. The different parallel series of C-shaped chambers in a t.s.e., can be summed up to an RTD model of CSTR’s in series. These CSTR’s travel from feed port to die, during which the chamber volume changes and these chambers loose material in the opposite direction
wx see Fig. 4 . Jager et al. 11 presented a way by which the RTD could be calculated. The average residence time and the curve widths are calculated from the uncorrected E-curve using Todd’s method of recording the passing-by of 16%, 84% and 92% of tracer material. They are corrected with a systematical error as calculated by a Monte Carlo wx procedure 18 . The uncorrected average residence time is calculated using equations for the zero, first and second
. time moment M , M , M of the measured extinction 012. Ct as: M s t iCt dt .3 H i tsM rM 4 10
And M2 1 U N s 5 2 MM yM 02 1 NU gives the number of mixers of a series of CSTR’s. A
higher number of NU stands for a flow that resembles a more plug-flow nature. RTD models can be divided in curve-fit models, which describe the curve shape and in models that describe the axial mixing in the extruder reactor in a predictive andror descriptive way. An example of a descriptive model is the plug-flow model with wx axial dispersion 16 . The axial dispersion is described with a constant effective longitudinal dispersion coefficient IDe 2 y1. wx . m s 21 . The Peclet number Pe , the ratio of the average axial convective transport and the transport by dispersion is equal to: : í L Pes 6 IDe : in which L is the extruder length and í is the average axial velocity. The axial dispersion model and a model of a wx cascade of CSTR’s do give comparable RTD’s 16 . Jager wx wx has shown in 1991 11 and 1992 12 that both models for
extruders can be combined and that Pe and N are related as: Pe2 U N s 7 U yPe 2Pey1q10 It is possible to use this RTD-model for different twin screw extruder designs, to evaluate their working behaviour. This can be realised by introducing a so-called chamber mixing-coefficient, which describes the ratio of mixed and total leakage flows in each CSTR of the model. The value of this coefficient is expected to be dependent on the gap-dimensions between the chambers. Especially narrowly intermeshing counter-rotating t.s.e.’s may have such narrow RTD’s, that they contribute, without mixing elements, very little to axial mixing. The gaps in co-rotat-
ing t.s.e.’s act differently than those in counter-rotating
t.s.e.’s, since they allow considerable larger leakage flows
wx and increased axial mixing 13 . The influence of a certain
constituting element on axial mixing can be measured with
wx the RTD-response 8 .
2.2. Dispersiíe mixing
For successful dispersive mixing a shearrelongational stress field is needed to break particulates and fluids into smaller pieces or to disperse them in the viscous liquid. The stresses are related to velocity gradients, e.g., for shear:tUshg 8 . ˙U y2 . in which t sshear stress N m , hsdynamic viscos- y1 . ity Pa s , gsshear rate s . ˙The separation of particles occurs normally perpendicular to the velocity gradient see Fig. 5 . In the case of solid and liquid particulates, the magnitude of stresses determine the dispersion. Shear stresses are as effective for dispersion as elongational stresses. In the case of slightly elastic liquids, which is the case for many foods, the stresses in an
elongational flow may therefore be much larger than in shear flow. Machine parts in extruders, subjecting the material to elongational flow, like calendar gaps, tetrahedron gaps and internal mixing elements are good dispergators for this reason. The shear rate calculated over the channel depth is usually too low to cause dispersion. A possible solution is to increase the leakage gaps in s.s.e.’s and t.s.e.’s and indeed single screw extruder cookers with fairly deep channels, large flight gaps and high rpm have become popular. For t.s.e.’s the total leakage flow is obviously larger. For counter-rotating cooker-extruders the calendar gap is most suitable for dispersion, whilst in co-rotating t.s.e.’s a comparable dispersion effect only can be realised by installing many kneading discs. It is known that s.s.e.’s and t.s.e.’s of the self-wiping type are only suitable for dispersive mixing actions with special arrangements.U . From t shg Eq. 8 follows that the viscosity ˙should be high to provide attractive shear stresses. This means for food particles, that dispersive mixing should take place early in the melting process, as close as possible to the feed section.Elements that provide the total mass flow to pass through a high shear zone, are called shear elements. For single screw food extruders some designs have become popular, of which must be mentioned the use of shear rings on the screw which is imitated from the so-called ‘blister’design in plasticating extrusion and the shear effect of mixing pins, in, e.g., expander cookers. In twin screw extruder cookers the most remarkable design is the one wx used in APV-Baker t.s.e.’s, an adjustable barrel valve 19 .Here an adjustable valve of which the position can be controlled from the topside of the barrel, is mounted between two blister discs, of which both are providing shear and control the degree of fill at the same time. The behaviour of food material in co-rotating t.s.e.’s, provided wx with such a barrel valve is investigated 26 . Another
design, well-known in counter-rotating t.s.e.’s, is the so-called drossel element, a pressure barrier with relatively short length, made as a two-start short pitch screw ele-wx ment. This design was investigated by Jager et al. 10 for food products in a conical counter-rotating t.s.e.2.3. Distributiíe mixing This mixing effect can be based on particle distribution always unavoidably combined with shear effects at the same time. For distributive mixing the effects of mixing are more or less proportional to the total shear g, written as Weighted Average Total Shear WATS .dí t WATSsgs dt 9 H d x 0y1 . in which dírd xsaverage shear rate s , tstotal resiwx dence time s , gsshear – 3 . For single screw extrusion some distributive mixing element designs have become popular see Fig. 6 , like the pineapple mixing section, the slotted screw flights, the mixing pins in expander designs and the special design of wx static and reciprocating pins of the Buss co-kneader 5 . The cavity transfer mixing section from Fig. 6 has not yet proven its use in food extrusion, due to cleaning problems.However, for twin screw extruders there are design limitations and only the combination of pairs of slotted screw flights, kneading blocks and reversed screw elements are applied. When using these elements, there willbe an intensive exchange of solids and melt between the screws and within the screw channels providing optimalmixing and by means of this a constant product quality will follow.
關鍵詞:單螺桿擠壓機; 雙螺桿擠壓機; 混合