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摘要: 為了提高生產效率和產品的焊接質量,滿足實際工作需要,本課題設計了用于焊接的關節(jié)型機器人。根據機器人的工作要求和結構特點,進行了機器人的總體設計,確定了機器人的外形尺寸和工作空間,擬定了機器人各關節(jié)的總體傳動方案,對機器人腰關節(jié)結構進行了詳細設計,合理布置了電機和齒輪,確定了各級傳動參數,進行了齒輪、軸和軸承的設計計算和校核。利用齊次變換矩陣法建立了六自由度關節(jié)機器人的正運動學模型,求出機器人末端相對于各自參考坐標系的齊次坐標值,建立了在直角坐標空間內機器人末端執(zhí)行器的位置和姿態(tài)與關節(jié)變量值的對應關系?;趲缀瓮队霸硗茖С鱿鄳哪孢\動學模型,求出了各個關節(jié)的角度值,建立了機器人關節(jié)空間與世界空間的映射關系。該機器人具有剛性好,位置精度高、運行平穩(wěn)的特點。
The waist structural design of articulated robot
Abstract : In order to improve the efficiency of production and welding quality of products and meet real work's needs, this subject has designed the articulated robot used for welding . According to the job requirements for the robot and structure characteristic , I have carried on the overall design of the robot, confirmed the external dimension and workspace of the robot, drafted the overall transmission scheme of every joint of the robot. I have designed the waist structure of the robot in detail, assigned the electrical machinery and gear wheel rationally, confirmed at all level transmission parameters , carried on the design and calculating of gear wheels , shafts and bearings and checking them.The kinematic model of robot system has been built up by means of the homogenous transformation of matrix in this thesis and deduces the robot's homogenous coordinate which is relative to its reference coordinate. We also make up the position relationship between the robot's end effector and the variable friable of every joint. The inverse kinematic model is deduced which based on the projection principle of geometry and the value of angle is worked out. What’s more, the relationship is built up between the joint space of robot and the world space. This robot has the characteristics of fine rigidity , position precision high , that operate steadily.
Key words: Articulated robot; Appearance analysis in the location; Design overallly; Waist articulated structural design of the robot