Pa r ameterizedDesi gnBa sedC ATIAofrCa rSaetsJA I NGNanSeho olofMe eha niaelEngine er ingYa ngzhouUnivr seiytYa ngzhou.Chln aJndseigng12 6.oemHUXuelongSehooloifnofr mationEngrne eringYa ngzhouUn 一 vr se一ytYa ngzhou,C h一 nahuxuelong126.c omWANGHe ngC ha ngshuTr a n smis sio nEqu 一PmentCo.,LtdCha ngshu,C hEn aJnde signg126eomL I、Ve nf e iJiangsuBe stBabyCarSe atMFG.Co.,Ltd.Z hen jia ng,Ch,n aJnde signg126.eom月bs,r a c-t一-B yme a n softhethe orya ndmethodsofe rgonomiea ndhuma nPhysiolog y,e ombin edw ithPa r ameteriz edde signPh i lo s oP h y,inCATIAe n討ronme ntf orthes e e onda ry devel0Pme l lt,wereal仕edthea fstPa r ameterizedhuma nbod ymodelinga ndeditingadju stme ntofthehumanbodyPo stur emodel.T hr o ughtheration aliy ta ndc omf or ta n alysisoftherelatio n sh iPbew te enthehumanbody,55往ea nde ars e at,5size,thef unctio n alr elationbew te e nw tosiz e swase o n str u cted.And bye allthebod y5 siz e,with dime nsiondrivenmethod,wedete rmin edthemodeling Pa r ametersofthes e at,r ealizedPa r amete riz edmodel ingofthee a rs e at,andshor tenthemodelingeyele.萬叮,w ord s一偽rs e ar,C書r 才月,Se e ondd evelo pment,幾 才口n-maehinee ra l如nshiPra Pr ame tei r zd ed l esi gnINT ROD UCTIO NSe at15vey rimPor tantf ordrlv e rIte o n e er nsnotonlyw iththedrivinge omf or t,butwiththedrl v 一 ngs af ey t,a nddnvingc omo fr t15undoubted lyo ntheattentionbythee onsumer.Se at15o n eofthelargesta ndtheelo s e stPanine a rwh iehe o nta etswithd riv e r.Itaf f eetsdi rving a ftigu ea ndhe altho frdriver.Re a s o n ab ledi rvings e ate ann otonlye n s u rethedi rvings af et ya ndvision,butgu a r a nte ethedriver,5 sPineingo odo rde r.Ca rs e ate o nsistsofthese are u sh io n,baekofaehair,headr e sta ndad ju stingdevieea ndothe re omPone nts、Inaddition,s e atmayProte etd i rvera ndothe rPa s s e ngersinma ximumextentw he nthetr ai f feae eide nthaPPe n s.Inthede signofthedi rvingse at,howto一mPr ovethes eatdesignPr oe e ssa ndr ais e如vingeomf or t,me etthen e edsoftheofusers,healtha ndothe rdemands,hasbeeomeon eofimPor a tntre searehProbleminthedrivings e athuma niz edde signdeveloP me nt.11.TH ECHARACT ER IS T IC S A N DFU N C T IONOFP A RA MET E RIZE DDESIGNPa r ameti rete ehniqu eref er stothemethodwhichus eagrouPof Pa rameterstoe o ntr a et ther elatio namo ngE 凹In七s,z e sofaifxedshaPeob jeet.Pa ramete r sa nde ontrolledsl ze sof de sign edob je ethavee or resPondingr elat舊n s.Theeha ngeof de signresultsw i llbeaf f eeted bythed imensionaldrl ve n,5 0It15als okn ownasthePar ametei rz ed d ime nslondriven.Inad d itio n,withitsf unetio n ssueha sdr af tde s 一gn,dime n siondirvendrawingsmod一i fe at一 o n,theteehniquebe e ome se ommonmethodininitialmodeling,multl一P la ne omPai rson,s e rie sde signmod jife ationa nd dy namiede sign.T hemainte ehnie alchaa rerei rstie sofPa r amete riz edmodelinga r elisteda so fllows:l)D ime n sio ndrive n.Dime n siondrivenme a n sthataf teru s e r ss ele etaPar tofthes olidsa ndtheirr eleva ntsiz e s,thesystemwills etuPtoPologie alr elat一o n sbet we e ns olidsaecordlngtothesize s.Whenus e r seha ngee er tains一 z e,r eleva ntsolidsa ndsiz e sw illbeaf f eeted,butthetoPolog ie alrelatio nshiPsbet we eneleme ntssuehasta nge n ey,e onne ction,r emainu n ehanged.2)Fullsiz ee o n str aints.Withsomer ule sorre strietio n s,theeonst raintse on stituter elatio n samo nge ntiy telemenrs.T heye a nbedivided intothesizec o n str ainta ndtoPologye o n str aints【l.Thef om rerr ef erstothele ngth,diameter,a ng lea ndotherc o ncr eten ume rieale o n str aints,a ndthelat te rr ef erstothee o nst raintsa sge ometner elatlo n sh一Pbelwe e neleme nts.3)Feat ur eba s edde sign.Dei fnes omerePres entativePla n eshaPea sf eat ure s,thens avetheiral l dataintheo fr mofe allablePa r amete r,ino rde rtof om rthesolid model,andifn allyonthebas esofthes olid,mo r ee omPlexgeometrieshaPe saree onstr ueted.4)Datae or relatio n.Datar elationref erstoaPa r amete rseha ngewillle adtotheuPdatedrelatedsizeinr elatedmodu】e.Ther e a s o nf orth isealeulatio n15thatithasr es olvedthemodelingu n e o n str ainedf re edomstate.ltsshaPe15inthef or mofsiz ea nde o nt rolled i fr mly.Pa r ametei rz ed modelingad ju ststher elatedPa r ameter stoe o ntr olthegene r ationofge ome示eshaPe.Itsmainf unctionsar elistedasf ollows2.l)AutomatieexPor tge omet riemodelf romthePar ametei rzedmodel.T hat15inPa r ametei rz eddesign978一l一673一012 4一4/11巧26.00 20 11I E E E819modeling,wen e edntinPutPre e一s edr awingsinthee or re sPo ndingmodel ingmodule,a ndweo nlyinPutasketehn otedr elated ge omet riee onstr aints.B yehangingthesketeh5e o n str aints,ite a ne xPor tPr e eis ege ometi rc almodela utomatie ally.2)Automatieallymodif ya ndPo rdu eetheeor re sPonding ge ometi remodelthr o ughthemod ii fc ationofloe al Pa r amete r s.Fo rexam P le,o frs omePar tsinsim ila rshaPe,weneedonlyr evis ethemainPa r amete r swh iehcon st一tuteitsshaPef eat ur e s,wh iche a nPr odu e en ewPar tsa ndgre atl y一mProvetheei f feieneyoftheProduetdesign.3)Dui rngPa r amete riz edmodeling,mod ii feationofge ometrle alshaPewill ber e aliz edby ge ometi ree o nstr aints,dlmenslonaldataandthe l rrelat三ons.notd一 reetlybee omPleted bymod if yingge ometrie aleleme ntoftheshaPe.T her eo fre,themodell ingdesigneane r e ateallk indsofde signsehemeand don,tthinkto omu ehabo utthedetailsofthege ometrie aleleme nt,wh iehwillo feusonf unetiondesigna nd modeling design.Fjgur e1.SystemI ntea r fc eba sedo nC A T IAo frca rs e at spa r amete riz edProvide saapproaeho frvairab ilit y,e o n e u r r e ntde sign,reu s ab ilityinpr odu etmodeling.Us ersea ne a si lytomod if ya ndr e e o n str uet theirmodels,a ndgeta11sor tsofsim ila rPr odu etmodelse or re sPo ndingtotheoi rgin alde sig ninte ntio n,thusge ratlyi m Provethede signei f feie n ey-F一gu r e2.Inte rf ae eo nsystemf un etlons elect,onmodule s111.PA R AMETE R IZ EDD ESIGNBASE IONCA T IAFO R CA RS EAT SFigu r e1showsPa r ameteirz ed de signsysteminte rf aeebas edo nCA T IAf ore a rs e ats.Cliekon“Ente rthesystem(進入系統(tǒng))”but ton.Fi即re2showsf ou rf un et,o nsele ctionmodule s:nataba s eque卿modul。(數(shù) 據(jù) 庫查詢模塊),Huma nbodymodelingmodule(人體建 模模塊),po su treeditmodule(姿態(tài)編輯模塊),Seatmodeli ngmodule(座椅建模模塊).Databa s equ er ymoduler ef er e n e e shuma ndatainG B1000O一88.Wee stablishedthehuma nbodysiz edatabaseinAe ee s s.Byme an softheeommunie atio nb(,w te e nV is ualBasies of t wa r ea ndAe e e s s,werealiz ed dataqj ey rande allsofd if f ere nthuma nbodyPar tsinthes e atmodcIingde sign.T hehun ra nbodymodeling moduleisa(:h ie v ed bas edo nsee onday rdeveloP me ntofCA T IAr n a n一c omPute re ngin e e ringmodule.T h ismodulee omPlete shuma nbodymodelingbytheVBPr og ramdi rvingCA尸F(xiàn) IA,a ndthehuma nbodydatainAe e e ssdataba s ew i ll bea s signedtothead ju stedhumanbodymodel inthef om rofv:i rablevalu e s.50thesizeofthehuma nbod ymodelwill t,eehangedtor e aliz etheee rationofthehuma nbodymodel.Po stureed itmodule15se eondl ydeveloPedba s edo nCA T IAma n一e omPutereng in e eirngmodule.Itad ju ststhef reedomofhumanmodeljoint thro ughthedyn am iea s signme ntwaya ndr e aliz etheregulatio nofhuma nbodysit ting Po stue r.Figu r e3 15editin石;de signf lowehar tf orhuma ndime n siondirv e nat tiu td。:.F igu re4 15a ninte rf ae eonPo s eed ito r.Figu re515huma nsit tingPosemodele r e atedbymodelinginde xa nd f re edo仔1.Ca l lB B Bo勿mod el l lB B Bodyda ta a a功功s“習B韶zC6 0 0 0F igue r3.Ed itingde sig nf lowehar tf orhuma nd一me n sic.nd i rve nat ti u tde820D D D吐aQue四四.nd Can n nH H H.bad y y y 口吧datab“e e eF一gur e6.SaetParameterized dse一gnPs sore eSaetdseignha sgenearlPrlne一PlsaendtargetedPrine1lPse.Ge nearlPrin eilPseaimatmsotsaets,me a nwhileta rgeted P i rn eiP le ss uit tos omety Peofs e ats.Ge n e r alPi rn ciP le sofse atde slgn【3:l)Se atsize sr elatewith huma nbodysiz e:2)Se atsize ss uittothesiz e sofu s e r s;3)Seatsho uld beab letoadaPttothen e edsoftheu s e rtoad ju stsit ting Po sition;4)Ade signhelPstoredu e ethes eiatiePr essur etoUSefS;5)De signoftheehairba ckProvlde se noughs uP Por ttothelumba rsP in ea ndthor aeiesPineofu sers;6)Se ate a nke ePthewholebodystab leo nbothside swhe ndi rving,anda voidtobeshake nwhe nu tn ring.Inthes e atPa r ametei rzed design,thef unetionrelatio nbew te e nthehun ra nbodysizea nds e atsiz e15thekeytoestablisheonta etofboh tPa r amete r s.Itals oe rlatestothea eh ievementofPa r amete riz edmodelingbas edo ndime nsio naldi rve n4.Thee or re sPo ndingrelatio n sh iPbew te e nhuma nbodysiz ea nds eatsize15showninTab le1.TAB L E 1.CO R R S PON DN IGR LA T IONHUMANB()D YS IZEAN DS E A TSIZFIgue r5.Humansitting Pos emodelT heseatmodelingmodulee a ne ralizethehuma nbodymodelingd ime n sio ndrive nPar ametei rzeds e atmodeling.Th ismodulemainlyin elude s:Thr o ughthea n alysisofhumanP hysiologie ale uv rea ndthesit tinge omf or t,realizetheeuv reoPtimiz atio nofse atba ekofwithcubiesPlin eintep rolatio nmethod,e stab lishe of n mu nic atio nbew tee nVBa nd CAT IA.Callhuma nsiz etobuildthef unetio na!relationbew tee nhuma nd imensiona ndse atsiz e.ByVBProga r mifnish h tea s signme nttos e atsiz ee o n st r Uetio na ndtho rug hthedime n sio n al drive ntore alizethes e atmodeling.F igu re6showss e atPaa rmeterized de sig nPro e e s s.o B B Bdys讓e e eSe atS IZ e e eFunchonr elation n nD D DePth 11 1 1DePthL-L一l一+l-WWWidthl Z Z ZWidthLZ Z Z腸二八+八八S S S houlder r rBa ek heightL3 3 3L3=八+八八h h heig htl 3 3 3 3 3 3 3S S Sho ulde rwidth h hBa ekWidthL;L4=八十八八八八八八八H H He ad height15 5 5He ad e rst t tLS=幾+人人h h h h heightLS S S S SH H He adwidthl 6 6 6He ade rst t tL6=幾+幾幾w w w w w idthL6 6 6 6 6Ino rde rthat thedirve r,5kn e eavoidtheoPPr e s sionofs e ata nd movef lexib ly,thedePthofs e atshould besmal lertha nthehuma nbodysit tingdePth,a ndtheedgesho uld bede signedintoae e-a r tinr ad ia neuv re,usuallytaklngl一as30m m,e uv rea rdia nofama rgininthef ro ntofthese ata s3 5mm.Toa voidthePelvisa ndehesta r eoPPe rs s ed,thes ea twidtha ndba ckw idthsho uldbew id erh ta nthee or re sPo nd ingwidthofhumanbody.Us uallyseatsuf a ree821taketheh iPbreadthofh i gherPerenetagewomeninsit tingPositio nasdse一gnbasis,let1 2=150 m m,1 4=60 mm.InordertoProvidee n oug hs up por ttothes eatbaek,thesiz eofthebaekshouldbeh ig hertha nsho ulde rinsit ting Po sition,usuallylet1 3=65mm.Unders ameeireumsta n ee s,he adr estmustgiv ehur nanhe adenoughs uP Por t.If headr e st15to olowo rto on ar row,thehe adwillnotbeenoughsuP Por ted.Ifthehe adr estloe ate stoohigh,itwillaf f eetsir tingf le xib ilit y.Iftheheadr e st15roow一de,itwillinf lu e n e ether earvisio nintun rofhe ad,usually15=30m m,l。=6 5mm!5.IV.MOD ELIN GE X AMPLESWhe nus eroPe r ate sth isaPPlie ationsof twa r e,i fr stlye nte rthesystem,the nus e rPr e s sthebutto ne allingthes eatmodelingmodule,inPutu ser5s e x,age,Pe r e entile,r eas on ab lea ngleofba eka ndhe adr e st,thesystemwillgene rateahuma nbodyPo st Ur emodel.Bythee or re sPond一 ngf unetio nbet wee nthehumanbodysiz emodelandthes e atsize,wegets e atsize sine aeh Par t.Atla sth tePa r ameterizeds e atmodeling15r eal ized.Figu re7showss e atmodelingmoduleinte rf ae e.Figu re8showsanex amPlef orparametei rz edseatmodeling.Figu re9a ndF igu r e 0showse atmodelingef f eet.F一g ur e8.Anex amP lef orParameteriz edsea之m,del一 ngF一gue r9.Seatmodelingef f ee,F一gue r7.Se almd oe一ngmodulein,era fe e8 22maximizee xte ntwhe nt raf f icae eide nthaP Pe ns.Rea so nab ledrivingseatenanotonlyensu r ethedriv一ngs af ety,oPe nvisio n,bute angua r ante ethedirve r,5sPinalmaintaininggo odstatea nd h ighere omf or t.Se atParameterizedmodel ingsystemba sedonthehuma nbodydime n sional drive ne annotonlyimPr ovetheei f feie n eyoftheseatmodeling,shor tenthedeveloP menteyeleofs eatmodeling,bute a nf astde signtheseatind if f er e ntsiz ea e e ord ingtodif f erenthumanbodysize,andmakePe r s o n sinthee armoree omf or table.RE F E R EN C E S【1112113!4Figue r10.Se atmodel一ngef f eetZ!51V.CO N C L U S 10NXuka ngSHEN,“Apar a meter l z edDeslgnofa TPsBa s edo nSolldwo rksSe eo ndar yDeveloPment,Jour nalof X ihu aUniverslt y(NaturalSe l e n ee).v ol 2 9.n o5.PP.10一12.2 010.Ya ng hu aXIEPa rametenzedD es 一gnonWate rR一 ngVacu umu PmPa ndCADSystemDev elopme n.【M a slerDiss er t a一io n.P P.8一10.Nor the asrUniver sit y,S he nya ng,C hin a,2009JiaMA.ZhlshengF A N.a ndy一ngR UANeral.“Re s e arehoftheComf or toftheAuromorlveSe a.S hangha 一Auro.n ol,PP.24一2 62008X inl一L IU,Suihu aiY LJ,“ASe atDe signSystemDeveloPedo nErgon om,calD一men s l o n5Dnven,.ComPut erEng一n e ennga ndAP P lieations,no.13,P P.1 11一112.20 0 5We記o ngLUO,PengL l,wangb.a oQIU.“h TeDe signofVeh icleSe arBasedo nErgo n om ic s”.Moden rMa eh in ey r.n o.3,P P59一60.20 0 8.Ca rs eatsmainlye o n sistofcushion,baek,he adr e sta ndad justingdevic esandothere omPo n e nts.Inadd itio ntome etsit tingf un etio n,seate anPr ote etsit tingPes ro n sintheearto8 2 3外文資料翻譯
圖1 基于汽車座椅的CATIA的圖形系統(tǒng)接口
圖2 系統(tǒng)功能選擇模塊接口
圖3 界面編輯器
圖4 人類坐姿模型
圖5 人體建模維度驅(qū)動參數(shù)化閥座建模
圖6 閥座參數(shù)化設計過程
圖7 示了參數(shù)化閥座建模的一個示例
圖8 顯示了閥座建模效果
圖9 顯示了閥座建模效果
圖10 顯示了閥座建模效果